The Chosen / Preferred Name project was recently acknowledged by TU’s President Kim Schatzel during her 2019 Fall Address. Thanks to the project, TU students, faculty, and staff can now utilize a different name other than the one that may appear on their email, OneCard or other university-issue items. OTS’ Dan Fricker was the project manager and coordinated efforts between the Division of Student Affairs, the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity, and the Office of Technology Services to make supporting the presidential priority of a Diverse and Inclusive Campus a reality. Here’s what President Schatzel had to say about the effort:
“This fall, after almost two years of intense and extensive work by several committees, the first phase of the Chosen Name Initiative was implemented so that all members of our community can feel welcomed and their identities supported. I want to thank all of those instrumental in implementing this important initiative, including the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity and the Office of Information Technology. I also want to give special thanks to Dr. Leah Cox—VP of Inclusion and Institutional Equity—for her leadership and a big shoutout to Dan Fricker at OTS who was so instrumental to realizing this result.”
Read more about the 2019 President’s Address in TU News.