WEBVTT 1 00:00:03.240 --> 00:00:13.679 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): Okay, so I am seeing on my clock that it is noon, and so, while others may join us and we're happy to have anybody joining us in progress i'm going to. 2 00:00:14.280 --> 00:00:22.020 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): start this session, we are in the T cal session entitled surfing the possible liaison partnerships and. 3 00:00:22.530 --> 00:00:30.420 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): Our presenters today are our colleagues from solsbury university mo chakraborty and Stephen Ford. 4 00:00:31.110 --> 00:00:43.380 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): mo is the director of external library resources at solsbury and Stephen is the coordinator of the Dr ernie bond curriculum resource Center and is also an education librarian. 5 00:00:43.800 --> 00:00:53.040 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): And you all said you had more of your intro would be woven into your content, so I think i'll stop there if that's okay and i'll turn it over to you both. 6 00:00:54.150 --> 00:00:57.270 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): To have everyone joining us today, thank you for being here, everybody. 7 00:00:58.440 --> 00:01:05.430 Mou Chakraborty: Thank you so much Claire and welcome everyone to our session serving the possible ways on partnerships. 8 00:01:06.180 --> 00:01:12.720 Mou Chakraborty: As you can see, like you know we have from salisbury university so welcome to the eastern shore hands the water team. 9 00:01:13.140 --> 00:01:21.240 Mou Chakraborty: All of that credit goes to Stephen like you know need wanted to even to the the theme of the conference to. 10 00:01:22.200 --> 00:01:35.130 Mou Chakraborty: So I am mo chakraborty as I tell my students, I have all the letters of the alphabet and my last name so just mo is fine and as the director of external library services, I. 11 00:01:35.820 --> 00:01:51.570 Mou Chakraborty: oversee distance of distance library services so basically my I come from a background of distance like being a distance librarian and I am also a liaison to several departments, and here I go social work. 12 00:01:52.020 --> 00:02:05.910 Mou Chakraborty: I had to like positive thing social work English Institute and Center for international education several health sciences department, because I was a health sciences librarian in my other life. 13 00:02:06.390 --> 00:02:21.060 Mou Chakraborty: which includes nursing MED medical lab sciences respiratory therapy and currently this past semester, because we were established out exercise science and health and human performance. 14 00:02:21.780 --> 00:02:28.560 Mou Chakraborty: I think that's pretty much all of them I cover so several departments liaison to several departments Stephen. 15 00:02:29.160 --> 00:02:42.780 Stephen Ford: Yes, thank you, Stephen forward here and I will say before before I list my liaison areas that that i'm actually not in the in the beautiful new building that we were talking about a little bit earlier i'm in. 16 00:02:43.350 --> 00:02:52.980 Stephen Ford: The conway Hall, which is named after norm conway and it's the education, building on campus and we have a curriculum resource Center there that I direct and so. 17 00:02:53.310 --> 00:03:05.040 Stephen Ford: it's one of the three Su libraries, and I say that, in a way, because it's nice to actually be in the same building that the education department is and it brings us a lot closer together when i'm talking about liaison connections. 18 00:03:05.760 --> 00:03:18.330 Stephen Ford: It honestly does, even though the the the main new building is not that far away it's it's wonderful to be here it's a building that was built in 2008 so it's newish and it's also leads building as well, so. 19 00:03:19.560 --> 00:03:34.440 Stephen Ford: So i've been here for 16 years so when I first came on I was the education librarian then and we only had one education department and that, of course, has morphed over time and it's divided into four departments now and i'm liaison to three of those. 20 00:03:35.250 --> 00:03:43.950 Stephen Ford: Three a early an elementary education educational leadership and secondary physical education, the fourth is the doctoral program and mo is. 21 00:03:44.370 --> 00:03:48.750 Stephen Ford: sort of the liaison for the two doctoral programs here that she so. 22 00:03:49.230 --> 00:03:56.010 Stephen Ford: She connects with that and and connects with graduate students on that level as well, although I have to say, the other three departments have a lot of graduate. 23 00:03:56.670 --> 00:04:07.740 Stephen Ford: programs and and courses that I connect with as well, so so i've been here for 16 years I was the instruction coordinator for about 10 of those and then I moved over. 24 00:04:08.760 --> 00:04:17.760 Stephen Ford: To here to run the curriculum resource Center and been involved in other things on campus as well, and all those years, and outside of campus so. 25 00:04:20.310 --> 00:04:32.730 Mou Chakraborty: Thanks Stephen excellent Stephen did remind me that I was missing something, and that was the literacy studies, because of the liaison to the graduate program there and the doctoral programs I knew as missing. 26 00:04:34.110 --> 00:04:44.010 Mou Chakraborty: So let's let's talk about the liaison model so at least one is a library faculty Member and Su libraries like we all have faculty status here. 27 00:04:44.670 --> 00:04:52.620 Mou Chakraborty: So we are the formal contact person between the library and a particular unit so could be school department or Center. 28 00:04:52.950 --> 00:05:05.580 Mou Chakraborty: In my case, like the Center for international education is not like, of course, not like an academic department per se so that's why like we included Center so the primary responsibility is like. 29 00:05:06.150 --> 00:05:16.230 Mou Chakraborty: Being like a conduit between the library and the department or the unit, so you know some kind of like a formal channel and. 30 00:05:16.740 --> 00:05:27.750 Mou Chakraborty: i'm not going to read every single line on the screen here, as you can see, and the last part of the screen here the key words be excellent communication. 31 00:05:28.020 --> 00:05:38.070 Mou Chakraborty: On both parts like on the Librarians part, as well as like the departmental liaison which Stephen will talk about in a little bit, as well as collaboration. 32 00:05:38.550 --> 00:05:48.690 Mou Chakraborty: that's like the key word like the to see words communication and collaboration our keywords like and I can't say keywords with us see here, but that would have been cool. 33 00:05:48.960 --> 00:05:53.550 Mou Chakraborty: are the most important thing, and we do that all of our Librarians. 34 00:05:53.790 --> 00:06:03.330 Mou Chakraborty: Are Librarians when we say our libraries is research and instructional Librarians needed Stephen nor I are part of the research and instruction departments. 35 00:06:03.570 --> 00:06:13.350 Mou Chakraborty: We have different Librarians for that so i'm kind of outside, I am in the building, but outside of that department, as I said, they supervising. 36 00:06:14.190 --> 00:06:35.160 Mou Chakraborty: Distance library services and Stephen is not in the building, but he's also a liaison to different departments and then we've also had our faults from our NAB research Center previously be a liaison to the history department so it's more than the research and instruction Librarians. 37 00:06:37.350 --> 00:06:50.340 Mou Chakraborty: So our before we go any further, I do want to do a quick poll, so if you want to go here like you know you can do it both ways like mentee.com and put in the code. 38 00:06:50.580 --> 00:07:01.860 Mou Chakraborty: Several of you may be familiar with mentee major I also created a tiny URL like at cut me so just slash liaison So if you can take. 39 00:07:02.250 --> 00:07:16.980 Mou Chakraborty: A little bit of time answering this question and i'm going to switch my screen here to mentor meter hold on here and I just want to make sure everybody see the screen minty meter Stephen new see that. 40 00:07:17.430 --> 00:07:17.850 Stephen Ford: I do. 41 00:07:18.330 --> 00:07:22.050 Mou Chakraborty: Okay, so I keep seeing the results come. 42 00:07:39.360 --> 00:07:41.910 Mou Chakraborty: we'll give it one more minute. 43 00:07:42.000 --> 00:07:42.660 Mou Chakraborty: Those be. 44 00:07:42.720 --> 00:07:49.110 Mou Chakraborty: If you are just joining us like you want to go to mentee.com and use the code here. 45 00:07:50.940 --> 00:07:53.880 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): And Julia added the link to the chat thanks Julia. 46 00:07:53.910 --> 00:07:55.410 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): With the colonic well so. 47 00:07:55.710 --> 00:07:56.730 Mou Chakraborty: Thank you so much. 48 00:07:57.390 --> 00:07:57.960 awesome. 49 00:08:01.410 --> 00:08:12.990 Mou Chakraborty: yeah I think like that's pretty much everybody we're going to get that many so it seems like most of you have some kind of a formal liaisons like to the department and. 50 00:08:13.440 --> 00:08:27.360 Mou Chakraborty: Some of you actually for you or have like a two way ones, you know liaison chip like similar to us, I do want to hear from those people as well, and then a couple of you have informal. 51 00:08:28.170 --> 00:08:42.210 Mou Chakraborty: relationship Thank you so much here so i'm going to switch back to the presentation and go into the slide show everybody see my screen here back to the presentation as. 52 00:08:43.530 --> 00:08:45.990 Mou Chakraborty: Well, what Stephen one to take it from here. 53 00:08:46.350 --> 00:08:55.560 Stephen Ford: Sure excellent um so we like to think of it as stoke tool liaison ship to use some surfing parlance there. 54 00:08:56.730 --> 00:09:01.980 Stephen Ford: And the idea of the excellent communication and collaboration with faculty of the unit and. 55 00:09:02.700 --> 00:09:08.130 Stephen Ford: So so we've amped up our program and a couple different ways we've created this formal librarian. 56 00:09:08.700 --> 00:09:17.970 Stephen Ford: librarian liaisons duties document will show in a second, and the second way is to set up that two way liaison ship model that we were referring to there. 57 00:09:18.300 --> 00:09:28.080 Stephen Ford: Where we have identified department faculty as liaisons to the library, so we have sort of a two way street there, so if you can display that document their mo. 58 00:09:28.110 --> 00:09:34.800 Stephen Ford: Yes, yeah about that in a minute so folks see that liaison document there the duties document. 59 00:09:36.990 --> 00:09:53.970 Stephen Ford: On your screen I do so i'm assuming that everyone else's so, so this is this is actually a pretty neat document we we started this about 10 years ago, I believe, and this is the second iteration of our document you see it approve their formally approved and. 60 00:09:55.170 --> 00:10:05.250 Stephen Ford: In 2020 I think back in 2013 or so we started creating this and we've worked on it over the years. 61 00:10:06.840 --> 00:10:13.680 Stephen Ford: We have this as the long version of it, and in a way we're sort of talking about both is sort of the big picture. 62 00:10:14.670 --> 00:10:25.230 Stephen Ford: Our engagement with not only faculty in the unit, but also students and out of this we actually carved a shorter version that we share, often with faculty so taking out just the. 63 00:10:25.620 --> 00:10:34.470 Stephen Ford: The material that that it apply to faculty so that we can have, and I believe it's like a page and a half that we sometimes send a faculty or when we're interacting with them. 64 00:10:35.070 --> 00:10:42.810 Stephen Ford: to let them know, to give them sort of a primer on what we can do with them, which is great now, I will say this document itself. 65 00:10:43.980 --> 00:10:58.410 Stephen Ford: We like to use it as sort of guidance and Oh, this is the short short program or short version is that right mo ck and so, if you go back to the longer one, the longer duties document. 66 00:11:00.180 --> 00:11:08.160 Stephen Ford: We use it, the Librarians use it as sort of guidance guidance as a refresher so that we can get back into it take a look at it. 67 00:11:09.510 --> 00:11:25.680 Stephen Ford: See if we're we're doing things that we want to do, and should be doing and and also for any new Librarians coming on board, we use this also as guidance, as this is what we've done in the past, this is our expectation whenever we're communicating with faculty and students so. 68 00:11:26.790 --> 00:11:31.470 Stephen Ford: So mo if you can try to go back to that full document that. 69 00:11:31.530 --> 00:11:33.270 Stephen Ford: know your document. 70 00:11:33.630 --> 00:11:36.570 Mou Chakraborty: So I thought I was in the document yeah. 71 00:11:36.660 --> 00:11:39.000 Stephen Ford: I know I still see the the short version there. 72 00:11:39.060 --> 00:11:40.650 Mou Chakraborty: hey still seeing the short version. 73 00:11:40.740 --> 00:11:41.340 Yes. 74 00:11:43.980 --> 00:11:48.660 Stephen Ford: And then, but I want to say we have four areas of this longer document I don't want to. 75 00:11:49.860 --> 00:12:02.370 Stephen Ford: bore people with this, but so instruction and supportive teaching and we have an objective for that, and then we have best practices and then we have aspirational goals for each of these areas as well, so. 76 00:12:03.090 --> 00:12:09.960 Stephen Ford: So instruction and supportive teaching and then we have collection development of course what liaison doesn't work on that. 77 00:12:11.280 --> 00:12:21.540 Stephen Ford: and research services and scholarly communication and the last one is engagement and outreach and within each of these the whole idea is to is to. 78 00:12:22.110 --> 00:12:27.570 Stephen Ford: foment this this connection with faculty and our departments that's on a deeper level. 79 00:12:28.530 --> 00:12:44.160 Stephen Ford: If you think about it, you know, the best way to be sort of immersed within a liaison department is actually be part of that department, the short of that we tried to think of ways that we would interact with folks if we were actually in the department itself. 80 00:12:45.480 --> 00:12:50.160 Stephen Ford: And sort of try to mimic that and away so anything you want to say about this document. 81 00:12:50.760 --> 00:12:51.930 Mou Chakraborty: Oh that's Okay, I think you've. 82 00:12:51.930 --> 00:12:52.500 Mou Chakraborty: covered it. 83 00:12:52.590 --> 00:12:52.860 Stephen Ford: Like. 84 00:12:53.190 --> 00:12:54.120 Mou Chakraborty: A badge yeah. 85 00:12:55.980 --> 00:13:00.150 Mou Chakraborty: So am I i'm back in the presentation, do you see that. 86 00:13:01.470 --> 00:13:02.790 Stephen Ford: Might wanna yeah there we go. 87 00:13:04.500 --> 00:13:05.220 Mou Chakraborty: So. 88 00:13:06.480 --> 00:13:06.960 Mou Chakraborty: So. 89 00:13:08.490 --> 00:13:12.720 Mou Chakraborty: Stephen they do want to elaborate more on the two way liaison ship or. 90 00:13:12.840 --> 00:13:17.670 Stephen Ford: Well that's one of the ways that we thought we would get a get more of a seamless. 91 00:13:18.420 --> 00:13:30.870 Stephen Ford: back and forth between the departments so often, you know, in the past, before we started doing this, like many places, you do you knock yourself out trying to do things for your faculty and your students in your liaison areas. 92 00:13:31.200 --> 00:13:36.960 Stephen Ford: And, and often you don't get that response to that, so we actually had have designated. 93 00:13:38.940 --> 00:13:45.540 Stephen Ford: person people within those departments, who have agreed to be the liaison back to the library so. 94 00:13:46.410 --> 00:13:57.390 Stephen Ford: You know, we still do the you know in any way that we can get things done what communicate with particular live brands, but often what we'll end up doing is to talk with this particular person so that. 95 00:13:58.020 --> 00:14:03.120 Stephen Ford: You know if we don't get responses from others, for whatever reason, always assuming the best right. 96 00:14:04.290 --> 00:14:22.050 Stephen Ford: Not being ignored, but probably busy that kind of thing and, and so the liaison that's been that's within the department, we can pretty much expect that we'll get it back and forth to way because they've agreed to that and that's the main benefit of that type of relationship. 97 00:14:23.220 --> 00:14:40.470 Stephen Ford: We used to have this up on the website, I think, but we decided to take that down as as part of the revamping of the whole campus website and to simplify our pages, but we'd still do have a page that lists the the live brands that are liaisons to the different departments so. 98 00:14:42.180 --> 00:14:42.600 Stephen Ford: and 99 00:14:43.800 --> 00:15:03.990 Stephen Ford: Well pop in wanted to list some of the activities that we've we've done in concert with our our departmental liaisons and out outside of that function as well and we've listed a few things here that sort of encompass all of that, so are departmental connections. 100 00:15:05.130 --> 00:15:13.860 Stephen Ford: And i'll list a few here we've done other things, aside from the ones that i'll mention but they're worth mentioning our liaisons try to. 101 00:15:14.580 --> 00:15:21.030 Stephen Ford: try to get invited to departmental meetings and to actually have a formal presentation. 102 00:15:21.720 --> 00:15:29.850 Stephen Ford: A lot of times in my department, they say, oh we'll give you 15 minutes, and if it's less than than i'd try to get a little bit more, but those are a little bit. 103 00:15:30.480 --> 00:15:40.230 Stephen Ford: there's a formality to them and they try to get things done, but they've always been really welcoming of a library liaison because I think they know that we're there to help and so. 104 00:15:40.920 --> 00:15:50.430 Stephen Ford: The nice thing about, that is, we have them the Faculty as a captive audience, so we try to you know I end up talking quickly sometimes to try to get everything I want to talk about, and when I do those. 105 00:15:50.640 --> 00:16:06.750 Stephen Ford: arrange those but every fall in particular I try to make sure to get invited and to those the first departmental meeting, if possible, to have some time to talk about what we can do and how we can aid them that's been a really great thing sometimes i'll do that in the spring, as well. 106 00:16:07.830 --> 00:16:14.820 Stephen Ford: And and it's been very beneficial other things we arranged one on one meetings with the department chairs and with. 107 00:16:15.780 --> 00:16:18.660 Stephen Ford: faculty or other relevant personnel. 108 00:16:19.050 --> 00:16:31.110 Stephen Ford: In those departments were like we have PDS folks who got into the schools and the education department, and so I want to be connected with them, because I want to make connections out there that's one example of how that tree branch. 109 00:16:31.920 --> 00:16:36.630 Stephen Ford: goes further out there and then the last thing that I have here right now, I want to mention is sometimes we. 110 00:16:36.900 --> 00:16:54.120 Stephen Ford: collaborate with departmental faculty and published papers and on conference presentations I just recently last March went and presented at a conference on children's literature in Georgia, which was so much fun, it was great and we cackle like crazy on the way back. 111 00:16:55.980 --> 00:17:04.200 Stephen Ford: Over ourselves and other things we're talking about so it's great making those connections, on a more personal level, which helps on the professional level which is really great. 112 00:17:04.800 --> 00:17:15.060 Stephen Ford: library instruction, I want to mention i'm probably talking way too much because there's a lot to put in here, but of course the one shot instruction classes, either in person or virtual and mo can attest to that with a distance. 113 00:17:16.680 --> 00:17:23.760 Stephen Ford: Multiple visits in the classes instruction, sometimes we we arranged sure it's better to have multiple visits than the one shot. 114 00:17:24.960 --> 00:17:32.670 Stephen Ford: And then we have, of course, the canvas course program where we try to be embedded as in the library and roll and communicate with the students in that way. 115 00:17:33.150 --> 00:17:42.390 Stephen Ford: We have a library module who try to see if people want to put that in there, there have been cases where I designed to quiz on on APA style. 116 00:17:43.860 --> 00:17:49.530 Stephen Ford: That that a couple faculty used within their courses which was really kind of fun. 117 00:17:50.670 --> 00:17:56.010 Stephen Ford: As a lot of back and forth between that to tweak it for what the Faculty Member wanted originally. 118 00:17:57.780 --> 00:18:10.830 Stephen Ford: Collection development and we'll talk about that really quickly I didn't talk about the live the live got live guides and the departmental information literacy agreements i'm not sure we want to go into that but under collection development. 119 00:18:12.030 --> 00:18:19.740 Stephen Ford: We have formal collection of all policies that are general and specific to the department, so we try to try to actually have. 120 00:18:20.730 --> 00:18:30.960 Stephen Ford: listed everything that we have in that particular collection that benefit those departments and to give a sense of the direction that the collection is going and. 121 00:18:31.620 --> 00:18:40.800 Stephen Ford: And where we'd like it to go, because a lot of times new library and switch and and come in and they need some sort of have a footprint of what has been happening so they can continue that. 122 00:18:42.000 --> 00:18:57.630 Stephen Ford: And then subject specific book budgets, of course, we get certain amount of money when the new fiscal year comes in and we tried to direct those and get faculty recommendations we buy faculty textbooks we've got a faculty collection in our NAB Center, which is the third issue libraries. 123 00:18:58.860 --> 00:19:03.870 Stephen Ford: And then we put a copy of that book in our general collections, so people can have access to that. 124 00:19:05.220 --> 00:19:09.120 Stephen Ford: last one I will talk about before mo picks up his curriculum development. 125 00:19:10.200 --> 00:19:21.750 Stephen Ford: And, and the liaison we have a liaison as a member of each school or college curriculum committee so i've been sitting on the curriculum committee for a site l school of education for all these years. 126 00:19:21.990 --> 00:19:32.850 Stephen Ford: And what what that does is it gives us a voice within the process of new courses coming along or new programs coming on or programs that have been changing the curriculum itself and that's so critical because. 127 00:19:33.390 --> 00:19:52.680 Stephen Ford: Like I just said, we buy materials to support, we suggest databases that we buy to support particular courses and programs so being informed about what's coming down the Pike is so essential and and there's a two way street with that our job there, we actually end up doing these formal. 128 00:19:54.630 --> 00:20:03.690 Stephen Ford: resource analyses for new courses and new programs that are coming down, so these become part of the document that goes through that curriculum process so. 129 00:20:03.930 --> 00:20:14.130 Stephen Ford: it's pretty in depth there and it gives us some information about where we should maybe change or redirect the money that we have for collection development which is really just a great connection there. 130 00:20:15.210 --> 00:20:16.560 Stephen Ford: And then, what else. 131 00:20:18.330 --> 00:20:24.030 Stephen Ford: library yeah I just mentioned, the library resource analysis so mo anything to add or. 132 00:20:24.480 --> 00:20:35.310 Mou Chakraborty: over some areas that i'll just like touch base on a couple things that just even said yes, that being on the curriculum committee that's extremely helpful and that was something. 133 00:20:36.030 --> 00:20:46.080 Mou Chakraborty: When I first came to Su I guess like almost over 15 years ago now that was my first assignment as the director of public services and my formal title. 134 00:20:47.490 --> 00:20:57.630 Mou Chakraborty: We went to a lot to implement that it was not an easy process like having the Librarians be on that curriculum committee so. 135 00:20:58.020 --> 00:21:06.450 Mou Chakraborty: just wanted to add that and that's true of like our laws we have several Librarians like eat school like you know I I serve on the. 136 00:21:07.170 --> 00:21:14.940 Mou Chakraborty: The health sciences somebody in the business somebody in fulton school of liberal arts so so it's like different librarian serve on. 137 00:21:15.300 --> 00:21:25.890 Mou Chakraborty: different committees of library instruction like you know so that that's like the key part like, at least for me like collaborating with faculty and. 138 00:21:26.670 --> 00:21:35.190 Mou Chakraborty: So I work, we also have an information literacy grant that our current Dean has implemented, which is awesome. 139 00:21:35.520 --> 00:21:45.480 Mou Chakraborty: That our faculty actually get a grant to work with a librarian something creative so more than just one shot beyond just creating a lab guide. 140 00:21:45.720 --> 00:22:05.700 Mou Chakraborty: Which is pretty much the staple and everybody does that so just to give my personal example like recently I worked with a social faculty she got a grant and we created a glock store I use a lot of tech tools in my library instruction actually the conference i'm presenting at next. 141 00:22:06.720 --> 00:22:21.660 Mou Chakraborty: Actually, next week is tech tools in library instruction, so I worked with her, and then we came up with the rubric together came up with the assignment together, I graded it like go graded it. 142 00:22:22.200 --> 00:22:28.230 Mou Chakraborty: So it's not i'm just giving one example, but these are similar to things that I have done. 143 00:22:28.920 --> 00:22:39.390 Mou Chakraborty: In the past, so that is that depends on your relationship with the Faculty Member and that comes from like you know that collaboration that being a liaison. 144 00:22:40.080 --> 00:22:52.170 Mou Chakraborty: How effective, you are in your role so that's all i'm going to say about library instruction, because we can go on and on, like you know, will I would like to hear from other people, the graduate boot camp is relatively new. 145 00:22:52.830 --> 00:23:05.190 Mou Chakraborty: So we've had for for boot camps of it is it's from the library like you know i've taken the responsibility of hosting it, but it is in conjunction with the. 146 00:23:05.520 --> 00:23:19.440 Mou Chakraborty: office of graduate studies so it's not just the library stuff so we have faculty from different departments like teaching that to somebody from education teachers, the lit review session somebody else does like. 147 00:23:20.550 --> 00:23:32.250 Mou Chakraborty: At some of the technology areas somebody does like the scholarship stuff are Stephen does otero I do I do of course like library part of it as well, but also end nodes. 148 00:23:32.820 --> 00:23:50.220 Mou Chakraborty: are writing Center does like different citation style so it's like campus wide thing and I love, those of you may know me like lot of thematic thing we've started with a star wars theme, then we went to avengers theme, and we did 2020 words like. 149 00:23:51.900 --> 00:24:02.880 Mou Chakraborty: Hunger games themed and then last year we were coming out of things like we're going to have one again most likely, so this will be the fifth one and i'm still thinking about what theme will be. 150 00:24:03.840 --> 00:24:12.780 Mou Chakraborty: And the research clinics, this has evolved over the years, we had this like long time ago 10 years 12 years ago. 151 00:24:14.280 --> 00:24:22.920 Mou Chakraborty: We used to have on different topics, they were like hit or miss, some of them will well attended others will not so we decided. 152 00:24:23.190 --> 00:24:37.680 Mou Chakraborty: As a library, we were not going to offer these clinics formally but just have research consultations, instead of recently this past year, Stephen and I did a couple of different clinics, which were well attended, but like not really. 153 00:24:38.130 --> 00:24:57.690 Mou Chakraborty: formally adopted like you know one was like overview of different citation styles are different site is your citation management so not just Taro not just end node but different one, so we did all four of them, which was really well attended by both undergraduate and graduate students. 154 00:24:59.310 --> 00:25:11.010 Mou Chakraborty: So i'm that out for new faculty orientation that's another thing, so we do get a little bit of time when the Faculty are here in person or, like last year. 155 00:25:11.730 --> 00:25:21.480 Mou Chakraborty: Last year was a year before this pandemic your has been just a blur online, but anyways the new faculty to get to come and visit the building. 156 00:25:21.810 --> 00:25:36.660 Mou Chakraborty: And our Dean introduces the liaison librarian we really don't have time to interact with faculty at that point we basically just say hey i'm oh i'm your liaison i'll connect with you later, and then we follow up with our individual. 157 00:25:37.680 --> 00:25:48.750 Mou Chakraborty: With the departmental faculty later on and usually I would invite them here because they also want a tour of the library so that's how the relationship starts right there. 158 00:25:49.200 --> 00:25:59.340 Stephen Ford: And that's and that's where i'll add to that that's where we tell the new faculty that we do all these wonderful things, and they need to do that with us because there's no one who doesn't work with us here right oh. 159 00:25:59.820 --> 00:26:00.930 Mou Chakraborty: Absolutely yeah. 160 00:26:00.960 --> 00:26:05.760 Stephen Ford: No sort of our one opportunity to sort of, say, this is the way it is you should follow that. 161 00:26:06.780 --> 00:26:15.540 Stephen Ford: That doesn't always work, but you know it is one thing worth mentioning to you reminded me, we also have an information literacy partner of the month that we name. 162 00:26:16.260 --> 00:26:24.300 Stephen Ford: mentioned that it's sort of another way to get by end and celebrate the Faculty who've worked with our liaisons and in a. 163 00:26:25.110 --> 00:26:36.180 Stephen Ford: particular way for instruction, which is really helpful and we publicize that and send it out in our newsletters and other things as well, so we would do want to mention under the campus life that. 164 00:26:37.410 --> 00:26:42.660 Stephen Ford: Librarians have here i've been really involved with shared governance, which is our structure here. 165 00:26:43.920 --> 00:26:51.360 Stephen Ford: And our administration takes it shared governance seriously and it's it's within the US em. 166 00:26:53.370 --> 00:27:01.080 Stephen Ford: code to have shared governance and so Librarians have been involved in the leadership of faculty Senate. 167 00:27:01.980 --> 00:27:14.700 Stephen Ford: And right now next year we're going to have the President of faculty Senate is going to be one of our Librarians which is great, and I served as faculty senate President during the 2016 17 year. 168 00:27:15.210 --> 00:27:26.010 Stephen Ford: which was really great and, and the reason I mentioned, that is, is primarily because of that idea of connection and communication, because once you serving with the rest of the Faculty. 169 00:27:26.820 --> 00:27:35.880 Stephen Ford: On the campus the non library faculty and you're serving on sort of an equal par and you're doing you know you're looking out for faculty in general on the campus. 170 00:27:36.660 --> 00:27:46.500 Stephen Ford: It sort of heightens the the view that the rest of faculty have of library faculty and it and and in the end result is you end up working with those folks a lot more than you might otherwise have done. 171 00:27:46.800 --> 00:27:55.560 Stephen Ford: which I think is a great benefit, and one of the reasons I moved toward that end to try to get Librarians more involved in shared governance begin with here on campus so. 172 00:27:57.030 --> 00:28:07.140 Stephen Ford: And let's see so the library is a functioning unit and the structure the libraries and actual formal functioning unit, which is what all the areas are called and. 173 00:28:08.280 --> 00:28:18.510 Stephen Ford: we're like I said we're involved in a lot of committees and subcommittees and my Internet governance and then the general education reform all mentioned that briefly as well. 174 00:28:19.740 --> 00:28:29.820 Stephen Ford: The library has been really involved in that as well, having its this has been a gargantuan undertaking on our campus and a contentious one as I can imagine. 175 00:28:30.420 --> 00:28:46.290 Stephen Ford: You would see a lot of faculty with different varying opinions and everybody wanting their particular area to be involved in that and trying to carve out a model that works for the majority of people here, it has been passed, we now have a. 176 00:28:47.790 --> 00:28:55.170 Stephen Ford: Well, and like I said Librarians have been deeply involved with that allison exhausting them on that level so there's been so much work on it. 177 00:28:55.410 --> 00:29:01.860 Stephen Ford: And now, at the tail end of it's not telling before we actually implement the new model and the fall of 2024. 178 00:29:02.400 --> 00:29:09.840 Stephen Ford: We have a general education oversight committee that sort of was formed in order to carry this on and and and not be so. 179 00:29:10.560 --> 00:29:15.990 Stephen Ford: You know our model to be so static but to be evolving as as things move forward and i'm actually a. 180 00:29:16.410 --> 00:29:24.900 Stephen Ford: member of that committee, the library unit member of that right now so deeply involved in that, as we move toward that and creating new courses that fit into this model and so on. 181 00:29:25.500 --> 00:29:39.330 Stephen Ford: That brings a lot of benefits as well with that connection with faculty on campus which is really terrific diversity inclusion initiatives worth mentioning, I know we're talking a lot here there's so much there we actually have a diversity inclusion. 182 00:29:40.770 --> 00:29:52.710 Stephen Ford: What do we call it a task force I forget here on our campus a team within the library, but the campus itself has a big push toward that, and so I don't know if. 183 00:29:53.730 --> 00:30:02.910 Stephen Ford: And, and we do an awful lot of things that are highly publicized for out on the rest of the campus for diversity inclusion I don't. 184 00:30:03.390 --> 00:30:09.420 Stephen Ford: You know, we it stems all from collection development to celebrating different things. 185 00:30:10.380 --> 00:30:16.590 Stephen Ford: One one recent one was we celebrated a couple students who created their own origin stories from their. 186 00:30:16.950 --> 00:30:27.900 Stephen Ford: ethnic background, which is really great they wrote their own stories and they researched it and did a great piece to that that's just one example that have to connect it to campus here on our students and our faculty. 187 00:30:29.400 --> 00:30:29.880 Stephen Ford: and 188 00:30:31.290 --> 00:30:41.640 Stephen Ford: We do an African National African American poetry reading here in the curriculum resource Center that I run every year we collaborate with faculty and different departments to do that and to make it happen. 189 00:30:41.970 --> 00:30:49.200 Stephen Ford: Of course, a pandemic made us move to zoom but it's this last year we had the most people that we've ever had which is really great. 190 00:30:50.370 --> 00:30:52.260 Stephen Ford: Around 40 or so people for that. 191 00:30:53.370 --> 00:31:06.870 Stephen Ford: And let's see exhibits and displays with lots of those around the campus for the new building and also over here in the curriculum resource Center I won't go into that because I think we're really pushing it with time here mo anything to add to any of those. 192 00:31:08.340 --> 00:31:16.200 Mou Chakraborty: yeah I just don't make for the diversity inclusion We actually had recently, one of the ones that. 193 00:31:16.800 --> 00:31:26.040 Mou Chakraborty: So we all take turns actually coming up with like stuff that we do on our panels, as well as like a live guide so for one of the. 194 00:31:26.610 --> 00:31:42.660 Mou Chakraborty: Recent ones, we had a social work faculty Member who started our desk studies minor she created some like you do have videos and like you know, we had an interpreter so she she did like a something for like you know. 195 00:31:43.350 --> 00:31:46.230 Mou Chakraborty: Students a hard of hearing that kind of state. 196 00:31:47.190 --> 00:32:00.360 Mou Chakraborty: initiative so just wanted to add that, as far as like even when you mentioned like collaborating with faculty at professional conferences, so I have done that, over the years, like you know my career spanning over 20 years. 197 00:32:00.780 --> 00:32:17.790 Mou Chakraborty: Even 20 years ago, like, I have taken our faculty to library conferences way there they presented so, then you just see the penny drop okay oh that's what you do so it's always interesting to have not only go to a I just recently. 198 00:32:18.270 --> 00:32:32.250 Mou Chakraborty: Presented we're co presented with the social faculty at a social work conference but it's always want to have to take your faculty to a library conferences and i've done that, at many different ones, including MLA. 199 00:32:34.050 --> 00:32:34.710 Stephen Ford: Excellent yeah. 200 00:32:35.220 --> 00:32:40.230 Mou Chakraborty: let's go into so the next part of our presentation. 201 00:32:41.190 --> 00:32:51.210 Mou Chakraborty: As we were chatting earlier like we really wanted this to be more of a Roundtable discussion type thing, just like we started off the presentation. 202 00:32:51.450 --> 00:33:03.870 Mou Chakraborty: But we really want it to be more of a conversation, so we have some talking points we don't always have to stick to this like if anyone wants to talk about anything else that's why. 203 00:33:04.320 --> 00:33:14.970 Mou Chakraborty: But I guess like you know we can start with the questions that we have here and I really want everybody like, if you want to unmute yourself, or you know. 204 00:33:16.170 --> 00:33:20.310 Mou Chakraborty: Put your thoughts in the chat either way should be fine Stephen you want to say. 205 00:33:20.460 --> 00:33:28.380 Stephen Ford: Yes, our title here, you might have noticed that little surfing terms either off the hook or wipeout, and so it could be one of those things where. 206 00:33:28.800 --> 00:33:39.960 Stephen Ford: These can be successful, or they might not be I think mo mentioned earlier, the research clinic so we were so hopeful for that and it's something that didn't really work out didn't pan out over time, but. 207 00:33:40.470 --> 00:33:54.030 Stephen Ford: You know it there's no firm death knell to it because we recently started doing a couple things that we thought were really essential and were well attended so so different maybe different format, maybe a different different name. 208 00:33:55.230 --> 00:34:08.160 Stephen Ford: But those ideas you know, I think, no I no idea is a bad idea, you can try it if it works it works if it doesn't, then you learn something from that and maybe learn some different way to do it so that's, hence the, off the hook, and the wipeout so. 209 00:34:08.910 --> 00:34:16.410 Mou Chakraborty: So we will call it successes and challenges not successes and failures like you know so. 210 00:34:18.030 --> 00:34:30.570 Mou Chakraborty: feel free to unmute yourself, or you know turn your video on whatever you're comfortable with so does your library have a departmental faculty liaison to the library most of you said yes so. 211 00:34:31.350 --> 00:34:44.430 Mou Chakraborty: What is the nature of the collaboration and, in this case, several of you said you have two ways are some of you have like one way, so we would like to know a little bit about how your. 212 00:34:45.750 --> 00:34:46.830 Mou Chakraborty: What is your model. 213 00:34:54.870 --> 00:35:04.830 Caffrey-Hill, Julia: So at this point i'd like to encourage anyone to unmute themselves and speak or those ideas or responses in the chat. 214 00:35:07.860 --> 00:35:11.070 Caffrey-Hill, Julia: room, we did have one question in the chat. 215 00:35:12.900 --> 00:35:23.100 Caffrey-Hill, Julia: and David Brendan says, the biggest issue we have is volume they're not that many of us in very many departments, how do you manage the bandwidth issue with these on work. 216 00:35:24.750 --> 00:35:36.000 Mou Chakraborty: So we do have an audience is very mindful of like you know assigning like how many departments, we have right now, most of us have little bit. 217 00:35:36.630 --> 00:35:51.900 Mou Chakraborty: Extra load, because we are down like by couple of Librarians we're in the middle of hiring that's why initially I said, like you know I took on exercise science and like you know, a couple other areas in health sciences, which wasn't. 218 00:35:52.650 --> 00:36:11.790 Mou Chakraborty: too much of a big deal, even though I have i'm one of the Librarians who have more departments are because it was held signs, so you know I just like Added to that, but we, we do have several Librarians in the research and instructional department and try to kind of. 219 00:36:13.350 --> 00:36:23.910 Mou Chakraborty: assign them in a way that's not too much and and also, like some of the departments are really small and some of the departments are not that needy either. 220 00:36:24.180 --> 00:36:32.160 Mou Chakraborty: Some of the big ones, are some of them like not really they're happy like you know when you're just like buying them books or whatever so. 221 00:36:33.300 --> 00:36:50.490 Stephen Ford: yeah and i'll add to that I know I didn't mention that i'm the liaison to military science, which is the rotc here one of our one of our Librarians retired and and also took on a little bit more of the art, because our library and left for love. 222 00:36:51.960 --> 00:37:09.000 Stephen Ford: And we're going to be replacing you know we've got someone that's will start soon in her position so she was our liaison, among others, so I don't know if that answers david's question but it's one of those things where were you know mo and I are from a vantage of. 223 00:37:10.170 --> 00:37:16.890 Stephen Ford: Quite a number of years, so what we talked about here are things that we are have done over the years. 224 00:37:18.180 --> 00:37:26.190 Stephen Ford: You might get the impression that we do all of these things at the same time and and, while a lot of them, we do do now and currently. 225 00:37:27.990 --> 00:37:33.360 Stephen Ford: We don't focus on them all the time so that might be an answer to that question. 226 00:37:34.860 --> 00:37:39.090 Stephen Ford: That you are that comment that you posted there in the chat. 227 00:37:40.050 --> 00:37:41.670 Mou Chakraborty: and Melissa I see your. 228 00:37:42.720 --> 00:37:52.320 Mou Chakraborty: chat here like you know, yes, being the only if you're a solo librarian and you have so many departments, it is it's I don't know how you do it like. 229 00:37:53.280 --> 00:38:08.940 Mou Chakraborty: it's it's a lot, I also have like you know, as I said, like i'm the distance librarian and I coordinate distance library services but i'm not be just as Librarians whereas a not a not be distance librarian whereas many universities have. 230 00:38:09.270 --> 00:38:18.630 Mou Chakraborty: Just a solo distance library and to all of the classes so that's a different layer that I didn't even talk about my job I am embedded in. 231 00:38:19.320 --> 00:38:33.690 Mou Chakraborty: I don't even know how many courses and when i'm saying embedded I own like asked most discussion thread, which I monitor again all of our Librarians do things differently, but we are embedded. 232 00:38:34.290 --> 00:38:44.730 Mou Chakraborty: In in some ways, so it just kind of like ties in with david's question to, for example, from much I want to be involved it's up to me. 233 00:38:45.030 --> 00:38:56.700 Mou Chakraborty: I like to give the time like I meet my distance students at their convenience time which could be evenings or weekends my students are all over the world, so I work with students in Germany. 234 00:38:57.240 --> 00:39:06.480 Mou Chakraborty: Because you they are at us gc like into the collaboration, the social work program we have with your gc and I meet with them evenings or weekends. 235 00:39:06.990 --> 00:39:14.310 Mou Chakraborty: So it really depends, and as far as like you know being embedded in the course some of us just have a lip guy there. 236 00:39:14.850 --> 00:39:36.600 Mou Chakraborty: In my case, I want an active thread and most faculty call it asked mo as the librarian where I go in I post videos I kind of tell them hey good luck with your exams, with some kind of interaction there, so it really varies from library into library and how much you're doing. 237 00:39:37.410 --> 00:39:41.940 Stephen Ford: yeah and I think that's the key I it, you know, being the only. 238 00:39:42.960 --> 00:39:43.680 Stephen Ford: The only. 239 00:39:44.790 --> 00:39:50.430 Stephen Ford: instructional librarian you know I can sympathize because it's it's one of those things where. 240 00:39:51.510 --> 00:40:01.290 Stephen Ford: there's so much that can be done, but the amount of time, you can devote to it is really an important part of that, and what you focus on is going to be important part to that too. 241 00:40:02.310 --> 00:40:03.600 Stephen Ford: I don't know how you do it, Melissa. 242 00:40:05.220 --> 00:40:09.360 Stephen Ford: that's just sort of a super librarian there I think so. 243 00:40:10.320 --> 00:40:17.460 Mou Chakraborty: So I also want like you know some of you in several of you actually said that you have the two way model, which I thought was kind of unique. 244 00:40:17.940 --> 00:40:31.590 Mou Chakraborty: Like in in some ways, like having a faculty liaison back to the library, I would like to hear more about like whoever said that So what do you think like strengths and weakness weaknesses of that model like if you had that. 245 00:40:41.610 --> 00:40:50.820 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): All add in we at towson have that the two way model and it's so different across departments. 246 00:40:51.960 --> 00:40:52.680 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): So some. 247 00:40:55.410 --> 00:40:56.100 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): want to see that. 248 00:40:56.160 --> 00:40:56.940 Business card. 249 00:40:59.460 --> 00:41:07.470 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): So I think that's what's tricky across a liaison program and I there's so much great stuff here that you all have mentioned and that that document that you talked about both versions. 250 00:41:07.560 --> 00:41:12.180 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): I would, I don't know if you're prepared to share it, but I think a lot of us might be really interested in. 251 00:41:13.110 --> 00:41:14.550 Mou Chakraborty: actually available on the web. 252 00:41:15.030 --> 00:41:20.640 Mou Chakraborty: Okay, just just go and Librarians are all about sharing so take it away yeah. 253 00:41:20.940 --> 00:41:28.140 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): yeah Thank you that's it that's a nice model, but I think that's what's hard from a programmatic standpoint is helping everybody calibrate. 254 00:41:28.590 --> 00:41:45.030 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): Their time and workload when it's so different and what different departments ask of us or demand of us depending and how involved each representative from a department might be how collaborative they feel I mean obviously we're all trying to to. 255 00:41:46.620 --> 00:41:55.710 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): Encourage that collaboration and nurture those relationships, but the reality is that the departments need different things of us, in the end folks have different expectations and so. 256 00:41:57.270 --> 00:42:09.660 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): Our liaison programs, I think, need to be pretty nimble and account for all of that accommodate for all of that, but it is a little tricky I think sometimes to try to it's definitely not something that can be standardized I guess is what i'm trying to say. 257 00:42:09.690 --> 00:42:13.590 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): And so that flexibility has to be really built in, but then when we're trying to. 258 00:42:15.180 --> 00:42:32.610 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): Create or sustain professional development that's applicable and relevant to everyone, or help to onboard and orient our newer Librarians it's really tricky to find a model that is sort of standard across I mean so we're all working toward the same goals usually. 259 00:42:33.720 --> 00:42:40.860 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): Of course, but the amount, some of us are involved with collection development is very different across departments, the amount of instruction, you know it's. 260 00:42:41.340 --> 00:42:52.350 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): it's really very flexible we've we've sort of thought about working in teams sort of more broadly haven't really enacted that yet, but i'm wondering if that's a way to. 261 00:42:53.100 --> 00:43:03.600 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): For those of us that are in maybe larger settings to to offset and to collaborate and to mentor newer Librarians and things like that to. 262 00:43:04.920 --> 00:43:07.650 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): Take the heat off of some of the really critical. 263 00:43:08.670 --> 00:43:19.470 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): busy times that some of us have but maybe others don't in our midst, I mean to equalize things a little bit of a lot there's a lot here, but thank you so much you've got you've provided so much to think about. 264 00:43:20.250 --> 00:43:30.900 Stephen Ford: Well, it, you know it went when you're talking It reminded me of this mo had this what I thought was a brilliant idea of having an event for band book week, this coming fall and. 265 00:43:32.010 --> 00:43:46.380 Stephen Ford: And you know partnering with with the curriculum resource Center over here as a location and involving outside people, and I think the public library and just this really great idea and having you know a great speaker or something like that come in and. 266 00:43:47.430 --> 00:43:54.960 Stephen Ford: You know and and so as part of that I sent out an email to those who I thought would be most excited about this in in my department. 267 00:43:55.830 --> 00:44:01.680 Stephen Ford: Zero responses so far and and that doesn't mean that they won't happen, but it's one of those things where. 268 00:44:01.980 --> 00:44:15.780 Stephen Ford: You know you, you get excited about something and then whether there's buy in for it, I like the idea of of teaming up and pairing up I i'm i'm not sure if we've done something like that here and. 269 00:44:17.010 --> 00:44:32.400 Mou Chakraborty: We haven't but it's a it's a common practice at bigger libraries like you know i've attended liking i've seen that model work for us like it, it was manageable and clear what you say, like it's it's so different even. 270 00:44:33.480 --> 00:44:42.030 Mou Chakraborty: Our library has like it's not too big and it's not too small, like you know, so we so far we've been able to help manage to do that. 271 00:44:42.540 --> 00:44:56.220 Mou Chakraborty: But even then it's so different they for my departments it's very structured, I do have a faculty liaison back to the library there yesterday, I found out that my social work liaison who has been. 272 00:44:56.610 --> 00:45:07.860 Mou Chakraborty: A super person like you know really pleasure to work with, is no longer going to be the liaison it's going to be somebody else and it actually and then I talked to somebody it goes on the. 273 00:45:08.640 --> 00:45:19.950 Mou Chakraborty: faculty members of service to that is like their service that they are being like the the liaison to the library, and it really depends. 274 00:45:20.490 --> 00:45:36.660 Mou Chakraborty: Who you're like who your liaison is because the ultimate goal is, they will be the advocate for the library telling them okay if i'm trying to teach this particular class i'm not making any headway I want my life in my faculty liaison to. 275 00:45:37.110 --> 00:45:48.540 Mou Chakraborty: be the champion and say I know you really want to have library instruction in that social 200 class, so you know somebody like that, but each library and does it differently. 276 00:45:49.770 --> 00:45:54.900 Mou Chakraborty: So anyone else, want to chime in like what you guys do at your institution. 277 00:46:10.080 --> 00:46:12.780 Stephen Ford: If not, we can move on to another discussion point. 278 00:46:19.980 --> 00:46:23.190 Stephen Ford: Okay, we have common in chat here. 279 00:46:24.420 --> 00:46:25.320 Stephen Ford: From Andy. 280 00:46:47.010 --> 00:46:57.000 Caffrey-Hill, Julia: i'd like to encourage folks in addition to the chat yeah just a reminder that you're welcome to unmute yourself and contribute with your voice. 281 00:46:58.530 --> 00:46:59.490 Stephen Ford: Thank you, Julian. 282 00:46:59.670 --> 00:47:00.030 well. 283 00:47:08.010 --> 00:47:21.960 Stephen Ford: So let's move on to the next one, you see a quote here some liaison see outreach and engagement is equivalent to advocacy or library flagwaving and sometimes not my job, how do your libraries feel about this. 284 00:47:24.540 --> 00:47:27.510 Stephen Ford: Please unmute yourself and and let us know. 285 00:47:37.560 --> 00:47:54.300 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): i'll say i'm here for research and instruction Librarians and a few Librarians and other departments it's embedded or integrated into position descriptions, not all I faculty Librarians at House and our liaisons but if, for those of us who teach. 286 00:47:55.410 --> 00:48:07.860 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): And or provide research support we are we participate, and so I think you know, as I said before, there's differences in demands and expectations from departments, but in general. 287 00:48:08.490 --> 00:48:19.410 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): I think we do not have the problem that people don't view it as their job, but it's a different job for different people, depending on the conditions which makes it sometimes tricky from a. 288 00:48:20.490 --> 00:48:21.600 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): Larger perspective. 289 00:48:22.800 --> 00:48:24.420 Mou Chakraborty: Thanks there David do you have. 290 00:48:24.870 --> 00:48:33.540 David Brennan: yeah when you say something we actually have an outreach librarian here at mcdaniel but all of our Librarians do liaison work here departments and I guess. 291 00:48:33.930 --> 00:48:37.350 David Brennan: We kind of make the distinction that that outreach. 292 00:48:38.100 --> 00:48:55.290 David Brennan: From the from the standpoint of advocacy you know you kind of combining those two terms is really the outreach Librarians job but there's different levels of advocacy and outreach me we advocate for for the library, maybe not issue advocacy right, so we kind of make that distinction. 293 00:48:57.840 --> 00:48:58.980 Stephen Ford: that's a good point David. 294 00:49:00.840 --> 00:49:17.280 Stephen Ford: yeah I mean a lot of what I think the way I think in my head is a lot of times more personal connections with individuals within departments and whatever comes from that it can be big things they can be small things minor things major things. 295 00:49:19.290 --> 00:49:21.840 Stephen Ford: And I think sometimes it can be exhausting. 296 00:49:23.070 --> 00:49:29.730 Stephen Ford: and honestly can and in a way, I feel fortunate to have just three departments and they're all in education. 297 00:49:30.900 --> 00:49:32.820 Stephen Ford: I used to be the art liaison. 298 00:49:33.870 --> 00:49:39.420 Stephen Ford: And I had a lot more hard more difficult time getting. 299 00:49:40.710 --> 00:49:48.120 Stephen Ford: Getting connections with that department probably personalities differences, sometimes I think that comes up. 300 00:49:50.730 --> 00:49:54.690 Stephen Ford: Somewhere some worked well with me other student in that department so. 301 00:49:55.860 --> 00:50:06.330 Stephen Ford: didn't stop me from trying, although you know it could depress you a little bit if it wasn't fruitful and you really, really want it to be I my background is in art so yeah I wanted it to be fruitful. 302 00:50:06.780 --> 00:50:15.690 Stephen Ford: I wanted sort of an equivalent when I was in Grad undergraduate in art and studying and and and that kind of thing so so more personal connection there but. 303 00:50:17.130 --> 00:50:21.420 Stephen Ford: But it like like others have said, it's sort of hit or miss sometimes and. 304 00:50:22.500 --> 00:50:27.300 Stephen Ford: Sometimes I think it's good just to focus on certain things rather than trying to do everything. 305 00:50:28.500 --> 00:50:31.470 Stephen Ford: Because often those become fruitful and. 306 00:50:32.820 --> 00:50:34.410 Stephen Ford: Those efforts become fruitful. 307 00:50:35.820 --> 00:50:46.320 Mou Chakraborty: So also another thing is like building those relationships like you know informally also helps like attending like some events like faculty programs. 308 00:50:46.620 --> 00:50:56.520 Mou Chakraborty: Somebody mentioned here like you know invite to being invited to meetings like I do, that a lot like you know i'm invited to my department meetings. 309 00:50:56.850 --> 00:51:13.800 Mou Chakraborty: could be first meeting and me, being a distance library and also helps because, like you, I talked to them about streaming media like you know about copyright about lot of other stuff so that are are like you know some kind of social gathering health, we also have like a faculty. 310 00:51:15.810 --> 00:51:19.500 Mou Chakraborty: Reception like you know that's called pub night. 311 00:51:20.160 --> 00:51:33.030 Mou Chakraborty: So where faculty come to the library like you know of course there's food involved and, like we like more and that's when when you're socializing with faculty you build connections that way to. 312 00:51:33.840 --> 00:51:39.990 Mou Chakraborty: serving on different committees, like you know I, this is my personal strategy like when i'm on different committees. 313 00:51:40.290 --> 00:51:51.750 Mou Chakraborty: i'll serving with faculty that's where I talk a little bit about library instruction, this is what we do and even after some faculty being here for a long time don't even read oh you do that. 314 00:51:52.080 --> 00:52:00.870 Mou Chakraborty: that's great like you know that kind of all, we also have our faculty are teaching online, so we are from our instructional. 315 00:52:01.230 --> 00:52:08.460 Mou Chakraborty: Delivery design and delivery department, they have a soaring program basically a faculty development Program. 316 00:52:09.000 --> 00:52:19.440 Mou Chakraborty: And I am the embedded librarian there were so I am connecting with faculty right there connecting them to different liaison so say my. 317 00:52:19.650 --> 00:52:28.980 Mou Chakraborty: Some of the faculty members are there from different departments somebody from business somebody from education to Stephen says Oh, you know I Librarians can do that so. 318 00:52:29.310 --> 00:52:39.990 Mou Chakraborty: Like you know, promoting other Librarians promoting your colleagues is also very important, like you know they can definitely do that Oh, they can create a video for you. 319 00:52:40.560 --> 00:52:47.550 Mou Chakraborty: So, and then going back to the library and saying like you know, this is a new faculty Member I think he's going to connect with you. 320 00:52:54.810 --> 00:52:56.160 Stephen Ford: Well, can we see the next side. 321 00:52:56.220 --> 00:52:56.460 yeah. 322 00:52:58.350 --> 00:53:02.280 Stephen Ford: Do you want to talk about the second bullet the ones that have may have failed. 323 00:53:04.110 --> 00:53:05.700 Stephen Ford: I don't know if we want to turn to that, but. 324 00:53:06.420 --> 00:53:08.790 Mou Chakraborty: yeah anything like you know that's fine a. 325 00:53:10.440 --> 00:53:11.940 Stephen Ford: People are Julia. 326 00:53:14.490 --> 00:53:32.070 Caffrey-Hill, Julia: I think failures so important to talk about i'm just like normalized failure, especially when it comes to you know I think folks who are shy self select into librarianship and so. 327 00:53:34.080 --> 00:53:49.650 Caffrey-Hill, Julia: i've definitely had research projects or connections, or for other things, but you know, we had grand ambitions and we got really excited and bubbling with something that it didn't quite pan out like we thought or something. 328 00:53:51.270 --> 00:54:00.060 Caffrey-Hill, Julia: So yeah I think I like the phrase fail forward, you know, like you just you fail and you move forward. 329 00:54:01.980 --> 00:54:07.980 Caffrey-Hill, Julia: I realized that's very vague, but I think Maybe other folks can relate to that or have a story. 330 00:54:09.300 --> 00:54:11.100 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): We call a lot of things pilots. 331 00:54:12.150 --> 00:54:12.630 Stephen Ford: There we go. 332 00:54:13.500 --> 00:54:21.420 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): And then you either scale them up, or you take a pause and that I also believe, like Julia the failing forward I. 333 00:54:22.320 --> 00:54:37.410 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): Think it's helpful, we all learned something there's always a learning moment and things can get repurposed I don't think it's ever a lost cause, you know we workshops for graduate students are another thing that we've experimented with probably like others and. 334 00:54:38.910 --> 00:54:52.350 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): You know they sometimes work they sometimes have an audience they sometimes don't but we create content we prepare sessions, they can they can be used in different ways, different people can take on different responsibilities, I think. 335 00:54:53.460 --> 00:54:56.820 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): Staying pretty loose and flexible about what is successful. 336 00:54:57.930 --> 00:55:03.120 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): And, and what the markers of it are, I think, is is really helpful and. 337 00:55:04.140 --> 00:55:05.040 Mou Chakraborty: Sometimes we. 338 00:55:05.700 --> 00:55:19.470 Mou Chakraborty: Take when I create you know started the graduate boot camps, I was very mindful of making it a campus campus wide initiative, rather than just a library thing and having different faculty teach like you know. 339 00:55:19.920 --> 00:55:39.180 Mou Chakraborty: Whatever they would do a you know somebody teaching spss somebody teaching this like you know all of that, and first few years of it was in person, so there was this attraction of food we ended the day with yoga so all of those like add on stops like adding to it. 340 00:55:45.840 --> 00:55:57.990 Mou Chakraborty: So any other points like you know you have the slide in front of you, as I said, these were like just discussion points anybody else wants to chime in and we've been seeing quite a bit I do see andy's point is very well. 341 00:55:58.320 --> 00:56:07.800 Mou Chakraborty: Taken like you know all of those events that you talked about our Librarians also like we've had tables at different events like campus wide events. 342 00:56:09.690 --> 00:56:14.220 Mou Chakraborty: Yes, challenges are getting students to attend this event sponsored by the library. 343 00:56:15.600 --> 00:56:20.310 Stephen Ford: And mo I think we've got maybe four minutes or so left in our session I don't know if you want to share that. 344 00:56:21.990 --> 00:56:25.530 Stephen Ford: Last slide with our bibliography. 345 00:56:26.460 --> 00:56:31.230 Mou Chakraborty: So I wanted to, are you guys looking at the bibliography. 346 00:56:31.860 --> 00:56:49.800 Mou Chakraborty: Okay, so we created this bibliography we can make this editable So if you guys want to add to it, you know send us an email, and we can make you an editor to add to it, these words, some of the literature that we've looked at like you know over time. 347 00:56:50.580 --> 00:56:55.440 Mou Chakraborty: So just just being a librarian like wanted to end with a handout. 348 00:56:56.580 --> 00:56:57.450 Stephen Ford: All of these. 349 00:56:57.750 --> 00:56:58.320 Things. 350 00:57:01.410 --> 00:57:14.460 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): now looks like a really valuable resource i'm not seeing is there i'm just dipping into T cal is there a place where all of your links are already provided, or should we be grabbing these links. 351 00:57:14.790 --> 00:57:19.260 Stephen Ford: Well, the link to the Google Doc Doc is here, and anyone can access it with the link. 352 00:57:20.340 --> 00:57:20.460 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): and 353 00:57:22.050 --> 00:57:23.010 Caffrey-Hill, Julia: Perhaps you could. 354 00:57:24.780 --> 00:57:26.040 Mou Chakraborty: put it in the chat yeah. 355 00:57:26.070 --> 00:57:26.520 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): hurt me. 356 00:57:26.850 --> 00:57:27.390 Stephen Ford: good idea. 357 00:57:28.800 --> 00:57:34.500 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): and your best practices document is is that something that you could link in the chat as well. 358 00:57:35.940 --> 00:57:42.870 Stephen Ford: I think gets yes, we could it's it's on one of the slides, but we can put it in the chat as well. 359 00:57:43.740 --> 00:57:45.510 Mou Chakraborty: Talking about the liaison duty. 360 00:57:45.780 --> 00:57:47.310 Mou Chakraborty: Is that right okay. 361 00:57:47.370 --> 00:57:54.120 Mou Chakraborty: I can put that link yeah that's it's also available from the. 362 00:57:54.630 --> 00:57:55.140 Stephen Ford: desk from the. 363 00:57:55.320 --> 00:57:57.540 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): library page okay. 364 00:57:59.430 --> 00:58:00.210 Stephen Ford: Thank you, shared. 365 00:58:01.110 --> 00:58:09.270 Caffrey-Hill, Julia: we've had one comment in the chat and I realized we're getting down to the wire here on time, but you can make the Google Doc. 366 00:58:10.710 --> 00:58:12.930 Caffrey-Hill, Julia: someone's getting a no access. 367 00:58:14.220 --> 00:58:14.520 Mou Chakraborty: Oh. 368 00:58:15.240 --> 00:58:19.800 Caffrey-Hill, Julia: message so maybe just take the check the permissions afterwards. 369 00:58:19.830 --> 00:58:21.180 Mou Chakraborty: Do anyone just share. 370 00:58:21.270 --> 00:58:25.860 Mou Chakraborty: Look at it and just share it and see I thought I shared the link. 371 00:58:27.510 --> 00:58:29.340 Stephen Ford: um let's see. 372 00:58:31.410 --> 00:58:35.940 Mou Chakraborty: And these are our email so feel free to connect with us now. 373 00:58:36.240 --> 00:58:37.260 Caffrey-Hill, Julia: Even best way. 374 00:58:37.770 --> 00:58:38.940 Mou Chakraborty: yeah yeah. 375 00:58:39.000 --> 00:58:40.080 Stephen Ford: Right right right. 376 00:58:40.680 --> 00:58:44.100 Mou Chakraborty: And i'm gonna put in my email here. 377 00:58:45.750 --> 00:58:50.040 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): that's great thank you both i'm looking at time also and I guess. 378 00:58:51.090 --> 00:58:54.570 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): Julia as as our moderators, we need to pull this. 379 00:58:55.710 --> 00:59:08.940 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): Together i'm going to stop the recording and just a moment, but thank you all for being here, Stephen and mo Thank you so much for sharing a lot of really relevant and timely information for a lot of us. 380 00:59:09.960 --> 00:59:22.530 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): And this has been a great session to attend and we appreciate your preparation and presentation of it all, and I know it's been tricky to see how many people are involved, but I think up we had up to almost 25 folks in this session. 381 00:59:22.800 --> 00:59:27.180 Claire Holmes, Towson U, (she/her): I think folks are probably moving on to another session but i'm going to stop the record.