00:27:23 Tristan Daniels: tyt 00:27:25 Tristan Daniels: :] 00:27:39 Tristan Daniels: take-your-time 00:29:59 Jean Boggs: https://jamboard.google.com/d/1Il1mL6yAImY_725iAwu1ViN6EI207r_8j_BZ994-Be8/edit?usp=sharing 00:31:41 Jean Boggs: https://jamboard.google.com/d/1Il1mL6yAImY_725iAwu1ViN6EI207r_8j_BZ994-Be8/edit?usp=sharing 00:32:07 Jean Boggs: TCAl 5: https://jamboard.google.com/d/1Il1mL6yAImY_725iAwu1ViN6EI207r_8j_BZ994-Be8/edit?usp=sharing 00:32:07 Elizabeth Davidson: Should we be going to both of these? 00:32:35 Zukowski, Adam: I believe we're going to have breakout rooms - one for each one 00:32:53 Jennifer Martin: The links are all going to the same Jamboard. 00:32:56 Jean Boggs: TCAL 4: https://jamboard.google.com/d/1Il1mL6yAImY_725iAwu1ViN6EI207r_8j_BZ994-Be8/edit?usp=sharing 00:41:09 Elizabeth Davidson: Sorry my internet flickered! 00:41:16 Elizabeth Davidson: Should I just hang out in this room until everyone comes back? 00:41:18 Jean Boggs: no worries! 00:41:21 Jean Boggs: sure 00:41:23 Elizabeth Davidson: Ok! 00:43:51 Elizabeth Davidson: 👍🏻 00:47:49 Tristan Daniels: Which group were we? 😅 00:52:51 Tristan Daniels: Standards vary. Hosts can help by defining the expectation at the start; audiences can help by staying flexible with the expectations. 00:54:08 Elizabeth Davidson: One of my faculty kicks off her virtual classes by asking students to submit the kind of rules they want to see as part of respectful and engaging behavior, to help develop the expectations and understanding as a group. She can make suggestions, but she takes theirs first, so they have both buy in and understand it's a GROUP expectation, not just a presenter expectation 00:55:40 Tristan Daniels: @Elizabeth That's kinda brilliant. Seems like an easy way to win their buy-in. 00:56:43 Elizabeth Davidson: I was delighted and impressed by it when I learned of it. Love a new idea! 01:04:32 Beck Hertl: This was great, thanks so much! 01:04:38 Elizabeth Davidson: Thank you! 01:04:39 Jennifer Ditkoff: Thanks Jean! 01:04:58 Amanda Rudd: Thanks, I'm looking forward to checking out some of the books you mentioned. 01:05:05 C Serling: GSA Guidelines for Respectful Discussion, file:///G:/My%20Documents/Diversity%20&%20Inclusivity/Resources/GLSEN%20-%20Guidelines%20for%20Respectful%20Discussion.pdf 01:07:08 C Serling: Corrected GSA Link, https://www.glsen.org/activity/guidelines-respectful-gsa-spaces