Stanley M. Max
NAR #104977
(My screen name on the Rocketry Forum, of which I am a lifetime member, is MetricRocketeer.)
LOC/Precision Warlock on a Cesaroni 650J270-13A Green3 (13 Jul 2024)
Upstate Research Rocketry Group (URRG)
Torrey Farms, Potter NY
LOC/Precision Minie-Magg on a Cesaroni 123-14A Skidmark (11 Aug 2018)
Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association (MDRA)
Central Sod Farm, Centreville MD
Susan E. Picinich
NAR #111652
LOC/Precision V2 on a Cesaroni H123 Skidmark (27 Jul 2021)
Monroe Astronautical Rocket Society (MARS Club)
Geneseo NY
Actually, the flight took place on 24 Jul 2021, but Susan could not find her rocket until 27 Jul 2021.