
Grants Awarded  

Hickey, P., & McQuitty, V. (2022). Preparing teacher candidates to implement linguistically just writing instruction. France Merrick Award for Faculty Research, Towson University, $7,500  

McQuitty, V. (2022). Preparing writing teachers for multilingual and bidialectal children. Faculty Research and Development Committee, Towson University, $5,400  

Hickey, P. (2023). Surfacing Teacher Candidates’ Pedagogical Choices in Writing Conferences with Linguistically Diverse Students. Faculty Research and Development Committee, Towson  University, $5,600 

McClure, Chelsea. (2022). Integration of Guardian-Teacher Conference Simulations into Pre-Service Education Programs. Faculty Research and Development Committee, $6,000 

Holman, K (2023). Project LINC: Preparing School-based Leaders in Autism through Interdisciplinary Networking and Shared Competencies. U.S. Department of Education, $1.1 Million 

Vassanth, N., Daniels, J., & Hooks, S. D, Principal Investigator: Nicole Vassanth; Co-Principal Investigators: Janese Daniels & Sara D. Hooks (2023). Project RISE. MSDE Discretionary Grant. FY 2023 – 2024.  $180,915.00.