CV, Papers, and Publications

My CV can be downloaded here. My Google Scholar Page is linked here
I love working with TU students as co-authors a * indicates a Towson University Undergraduate co-author. See my undergraduate research page for more papers.

Links are provided to full paper stored on dropbox. If you cannot access dropbox, please e-mail me

Current Working Papers/Papers in Review

S. R. Gitter & R. J. Gitter, 2024. “Sorting and Staying: Economics PhDs and Their Hiring and Separation from More Teaching-Oriented Universities,” Towson University Working Papers 2024-05  [Full Paper Link]

S.R. Gitter and T. McGavock, 2024. “Lean and Little in Sub-Saharan Africa: Seasonally Representative Evidence of Children’s Malnutrition”
[Full Paper Link]

L. Karszen*, S.R. Gitter, and M.A. Groves, 2024. “Nudges to Encourage Female and Minority Students to Enroll in Additional Economics Courses”
[Full Paper Link]

S. Ziard*, S.R. Gitter, and M.A. Groves, 2024 “Foreign Direct Investment and Women’s Employment in Nepal” Revision Requested Undergraduate Papers Monthly Labor Review. [Full Paper Link]


Gitter, S.R., Boyd, C. L., and R. Abbasi* “Undergraduate Applied Microeconomic Research with Demographic Health Survey” Applied Economics Teaching Resources [Full Paper Link]

Gitter, S. R., Manley, J., Bernstein, J., & Winters, P. (2022). “Do agricultural support and cash transfer programmes improve nutritional status?.” Journal of International Development. [Full Paper Link]

Fletcher, E. K., Gitter, S. R., & Wilhelm*, S. (2021). “Generational Norms of Reporting Violence in Nyarugusu Refugees Camp.” The European Journal of Development Research, 1-22. [Full Paper Link]

Gitter, S. (2021). A Guide for Student-led Undergraduate Research in Empirical Micro-Economics. Journal of Economics Teaching, 5(3), 83-115. [Full Paper Link]

Cahalan*, L., Gitter, S. R., & Fletcher, E. K. (2020). “Terrorism and women’s employment in Afghanistan.” Oxford Development Studies, 48(2), 195-208.
[Full Paper Link]

Bellemare, M. F., J. Fajardo-Gonzalez, and S.R. Gitter (2018) “Foods and Fads: The Welfare Impacts of Rising Quinoa Prices in Peru.” World Development, 112 [Full Paper Link]

Fletcher, E.K., S.R. Gitter, and S. Wilhelm* (2018) “Reporting Violence Against Children: Social Norms in the Nyarugusu Refugees Camp” Migration Letters, 15 (3),  377-388 [Full Paper Link]

S.R. Gitter (2017) “The H1N1 Virus and Mexican Baseball Attendance” Athens Journal of Sports, 4 (4), 263-276. [Full Paper Link]

Lewis, J.M..,  B.L. Barham, S.R. Gitter and J. Nobles (2017). “Migration and the Pursuit of Education in Southern Mexico” Comparative Education Review, 61 (1), 141-169. [Full Paper Link]

Hunsberger, P. K., & Gitter, S. R. (2015). “What is a Blue Chip Recruit Worth? Estimating the Marginal Revenue Product of College Football Quarterbacks.” Journal of Sports Economics, 16, 664-690.  [Full Paper Link]

Gitter, S. R., &  R.J Gitter (2014). “Does Educational Attainment Reduce Agricultural Day Laborer Injuries in Mexico?” Ensayos Revista de Economía, 33 (2), 57-74. [Full Paper Link]

Gitter, S. R., & Rhoads, T. A. (2014). “Stadium construction and minor league baseball attendance.” Contemporary Economic Policy32(1), 144-154. [Full Paper Link]

Gitter, S.R. , J. Manley, and B. Barham  (2013). “Early-Childhood Nutrition and Educational Conditional-Cash Transfer Programs.” Journal of Development Studies, 49 (10) 1397-1411. [Full Paper Link]

Manley, J,  Gitter, S.R. and V.  Slavchevska (2013)  “How Effective are Cash Transfer Programs at Improving Nutritional Status?” World Development, 48, 133-155. [Full Paper Link]

S.R. Gitter, Jeremy Weber,  Bradford L. Barham,  Mercedez Callenes, &  Jessa Lewis  (2012) “Fairtrade-Organic Coffee Cooperatives, Migration, and  Secondary Schooling in Southern Mexico.”  Journal of Development Studies, 48, 445-463. [Full Paper Link]

S.R. Gitter and T. A. Rhoads (2011)  “Top Prospects and Minor League Baseball Attendance” Journal of Sports Economics, 12 (3), 341-351. [Full Paper Link]

B. L. Barham, M. Callenes, S.R. Gitter, J. M. Lewis, and J. Weber (2011) “Fair Trade/Organic Coffee, Rural Livelihoods, and the ‘Agrarian Question’: Southern Mexican Coffee Families in Transition” World Development, 39 (2), 134-145. [Full Paper Link]

S.R. Gitter and T. A. Rhoads (2010) “Determinants of Minor League Baseball Attendance” Journal of Sports Economics, 11 (6), 614-628. [Full Paper Link]

S.R. Gitter and B. L. Barham  (2009)  “Conditional Cash Transfers, Shocks, and Education: An Impact Evaluation of Nicaragua’s RPS.”  Journal of Development Studies, 45, 1-21. [Full Paper Link]

S.R. Gitter and B. L. Barham  (2008)  “Women and Targeted Cash Transfers in Nicaragua” World Bank Economic Review, vol. 22(2), 271-290. [Full Paper Link]

S.R. Gitter, R.J. Gitter and D. Southgate (2008) “Impact of Return Migration to Mexico” Estudios Económicos, 23(1), pages 3-23. [Full Paper Link]

S.R. Gitter and B. L. Barham (2007) “Credit, Natural Disasters, Coffee, and Educational Attainment in Rural Honduras,” World Development, 35(3): 498-511. [Full Paper Link]