Surviving Finals 101


Finals: the time of the year that students both dread and count down to. It is a challenging time trying to balance your class workload and recall all of the information you’ve learned during the semester. It is also an exciting time for students because it means they are moving to the next semester or possibly graduating. While everyone has different reactions to finals season, it is a challenging time for most.  Here are some helpful tips to help get you through this stressful time of the semester:


Tip #1: Make a to-do list or get a planner.

A to-do list or planner can help you tremendously throughout the semester. While to-do lists are great for short-term planning such as planning out your week, planners are best for long-term planning, such as the whole semester, as they allow you to see everything for weeks and months to come. Both options are extremely helpful when trying to plan your days – or even weeks – out. Without a to-do list or planner, it can be very difficult to keep track of, or even keep up with, your assignments for the semester. It is best to get a planner at the beginning of the semester to help you better plan out the weeks ahead of you, but to-do lists are great for last-minute things.


Tip #2: Ask for help when you need it.

Many students struggle asking questions when they don’t understand something. This is especially true when students think their question is “dumb.” It is important to remember that professors are here to help students learn and grow. It is extremely hard to learn and grow without asking questions along the way. Asking questions in class is a great way to show your professor that you are interested in knowing the correct answer and it also shows them that you are active in class. If you are too nervous to ask during class, you can always ask them after class ends or drop by their offices hours that are listed in the syllabus. Professors want to help you learn and guide you along the way, so you should always feel safe asking them questions you may have regarding the course material.


Tip #3: Give yourself breaks and rewards.

It is always important to give yourself breaks during the long periods of studying that come during the weeks leading up to finals. It might seem counter-intuitive to take breaks when you feel like you’re drowning in studying, but the breaks help you tremendously. Your brain can only successfully focus for a set amount of time before you cannot retain any more information. Taking breaks will allow you to rest your brain, grab a snack, and be better prepared to retain more information. If you find it difficult to get yourself to study, try to offer yourself small rewards after you read a certain amount of chapters or complete a certain amount of homework problems. These little rewards can help motivate you to get your work done quicker and more efficiently.


Following these tips should allow you to have an easier time when it comes to surviving finals season.


By: Caiti Olberding

Sesum, Samantha