EBTM 250 and 251 are both one credit courses that span five weeks each over the course of the semester. It is easy to think of them as less work than the typical three credit class, but this is not the case. Both classes are time-consuming, and require a lot of time management.
EBTM 250
There are a lot of misconceptions about these courses – EBTM 250, in particular. In order to relieve some of these misconceptions, here are some facts about the class:
- This is a hybrid course; however, 95% of the work is to be completed online by the student on their own time during the week. There is only one 50-minute class session per week.
- The course does not have the typical +/- grading system. It is graded on a pass/fail basis based on your MOS certification exam score at the end of the course.
- You have only two chances to pass the exam.
- Students feel that this is a class where you should be taught, but it is almost like a tutoring session. You complete the simulations and projects before class, and ask questions during lecture time. Most students attempt to learn all of the skills for the week during lecture, and then expect to pass the exam – this is not possible.
Upon successful completion of EBTM 250, you will receive a Microsoft Excel certification (which is a great resume builder), but often times, students find this course to be somewhat challenging. A few tips to set yourself up for success are to complete all coursework prior to the in-class lectures, ask questions during class, and do not take the MOS exam without studying and completing all assignments.
This course is time-consuming, so if you hold off on taking the class or completing the homework, it will hurt you. In order to not fall behind, budget your time effectively and allow enough time to understand the material. Complete all simulations and projects, and you should pass the MOS exam. Your professor will provide you with a form that shows exactly what skills will be on the test, and what pages to find each skill in your textbook. Purchase your textbook and access code prior to the first day of class, this way you will be able to immediately do the work without having to wait.
You should come to class with questions instead of expectations of learning the material. You spend most of the course duration learning the material online. The goal is to complete all assignments before class, so you can ask questions about the homework before you submit it to make sure you that understand and have the correct answers. You complete the simulation, which outlines all of the skills you are learning that week, and then the grader project is designed to apply the skills that you learned from the simulation. If you follow this structure and go back and review the study guide your professor provides, you should pass the test.
The College of Business and Economics is also offering tutoring sessions for EBTM 250/251 every Thursday from 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. in Stephens Hall (ST 207). This tutor has successfully passed both EBTM 250/251, as well as been MOS-certified. He or she will be available to answer any questions you may have about the online assignments, in addition to in-class lectures and office hours with your professor. The next upcoming tutoring session will be
EBTM 251
Once you have passed EBTM 250 and received your MOS certification, you will take EBTM 251. This course is different from EBTM 250:
- EBTM 251 takes skills learned in EBTM 250 and applies them to business decision making. The course uses these skills along with more in-depth business problems in Microsoft Excel.
- This class does not have an online component. EBTM 251 is an in-person lecture course.
- The class is graded on the normal +/- grading system.
It is always important to go to class regularly, pay attention and ask questions, and connect with your professor and other students in your class to help you. The goal is to get you more comfortable using the software, so you are able to properly use data in Excel to make decisions and solve problems in the real world. It is a powerful tool, and having some knowledge and application of the program is very beneficial for all business students.
Hope this helps with any questions you may have about EBTM 250/251, and if you plan on taking each class in the future, you can look back on this article as a reference. Check back for another CBE Connect article coming next Wednesday!