
Alexa’s Creepy Laughter Is A Bigger Problem Than Amazon Admits

Alexa owners report being startled by Alexa’s phantom chuckles, revealing one of the flaws of today’s voice assistants.

Source: Alexa’s Creepy Laughter Is A Bigger Problem Than Amazon Admits

The Music Industry’s Playlist Culture And Our Attention Spans

In addition to delivering big profits to labels and publishers, playlists are helping new and unknown artists succeed in some profound ways. From popular independent playlists curated in dorm rooms to Spotify’s insanely successful Discover Weekly feature, playlists are becoming a major way for listeners to learn about new music. The music industry has a lot to gain from this new trend, but is there a downside to our ever-increasing penchant for playlists?

Source: The Music Industry’s Playlist Culture And Our Attention Spans | ReverbNation Blog

Is The Internet Of Things Dead, Or Is It Growing Up?

The internet of things has never quite found its footing, and some proclaim the once-hyped concept is dead. Even as tech companies like Apple, Amazon, and Google pour money into smart speakers, there’s no real, tangible use for them. Other companies have tried–to little avail–to sell us dumb smart products like smart refrigerators and smart water bottles. And smart homes? They spy on users–and they’re just plain annoying.

For Matt Webb, a technologist at R/GA London, the potential of the internet of things isn’t inside your home. It’s outside of it. “It’s where we can finally start assembling parts to make products or services or companies with a smaller number of people or with greater ambition than before,” he says. “IoT is solving problems in the business space really clearly.”

Source: Is The Internet Of Things Dead, Or Is It Growing Up?

Test finds HomePod’s Siri ‘at the bottom of the totem pole’ in smartspeaker AI

While the Apple HomePod is the “best sounding” smartspeaker and has a “measurably better” user experience in many areas, its underlying AI assistant — Siri — failed dramatically in a query test versus Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Microsoft Cortana, according to Loup Ventures.

Source: Test finds HomePod’s Siri ‘at the bottom of the totem pole’ in smartspeaker AI

Radio Is Streaming’s Next Frontier 

Streaming music has got where it has today largely by being the future of retail and replacing the download model, which in turn replaced the CD model (though vestiges of both remain). That premium model will continue to be the beating heart of streaming revenues for the foreseeable future but will not be enough on its own. The next big opportunity for streaming is to become the future of radio, which incidentally is around double the size of the recorded music market. In doing so, it will be a classic case of disruptive insurgents stealing market share from long-standing incumbents.

Source: Radio Is Streaming’s Next Frontier | Music Industry Blog