Dr. Kai-Fu Lee on Why AI Redefines What It Means to Be Human 

I talk in my book about the great divide between the top 1% and the bottom 50% of the population. There are areas where AI has the potential to be an equalizer — for example, reducing the cost of healthcare or lowering the barrier to accessing a good education.

However, the digital divide that has been enhanced and exacerbated by the advent of computers, the internet, and mobile devices could also get worse with AI. Various ideas are being advanced in relation to the redistribution of wealth, and I think that some government policy response will end up being necessary. As I mention in my book, I have many concerns about the concept of universal basic income. But some form of redistribution is going to be inevitable. Otherwise, this large divide isn’t a formula for stability, happiness, or harmony.

Source: Dr. Kai-Fu Lee on Why AI Redefines What It Means to Be Human – Salesforce Blog

Why virtual reality isn’t just for gamers 

While VR is completely transforming the gaming landscape, the technology has limitless possibilities outside of this space. Enterprise VR is a quietly successful segment of this emerging industry that perhaps doesn’t get the attention it so rightly deserves. There are some truly exciting enterprise use cases which have the capability to provide businesses with opportunities for customer engagement and process optimization.

Source: Why virtual reality isn’t just for gamers – TechHQ

Big Data Is A Sham

Decades of research has shown that you can get a pretty accurate picture of the US population from a sample of under 3000 people, if you choose them carefully. If you really, really want to drop your margin of error as low as possible, you look at about 9000. After that, there’s just not a lot of gains to be had. U.S. pollsters looked at the intentions of hundreds of thousands of Americans and still called the 2016 election wrong. Politicians’ careers depend on accuracy. Creative people’s careers depend on insights, and that’s where small data rules.

Source: Big Data Is A Sham

True enough.  But big data companies are not trying to predict population trends.  They want to microtarget individuals.