So, at the end of the day, we are going to see a fully personalized content everywhere on the Internet.

Everyone will see fully custom versions of all content, that is adapted to the consumer based on his lifestyle, opinions, and history. We all witnessed arousal of this Bubble pattern after latest USA elections and it’s gonna be getting worse. GANs will able to target content precisely to you with no limitations of the medium — starting from image ads and up to complex opinions, tread and publications, generated by machines. This will create a constant feedback loop, improving based on your interactions. And there is going to be a competition of different GANs between each other. Kind of a fully automated war of phycological manipulations, having humanity as a battlefield.

The driving force behind this trend is extremely simple — profits.And this is not a scary doomsday scenario, this actually is happening today.

Source: The New Neural Internet is Coming – Hacker Noon