When the warmth’s away, the daters will play. That appears to be what Tinder’s data suggests when it comes to cold weather and dating habits. Earlier this week, the northeastern portion of the United States was pummeled by Snowstorm Niko, which dumped some 18 inches of snow in parts of the country. But if history is any indication, snowed-in folks took the opportunity to be extra productive … on their dating apps.

When Winter Storm Jonas hit the same region of the nation in January 2016, Tinder reported seeing an increase of 10 percent on the day of the storm, resulting in more than 25 million matches during the worst weather. In fact, during Snowmaggedon 2016, nearly two billion swipes were made by folks apparently yearning for warmth — preferably provided by another person.

Source: Tinder Matches and Swipes Go Up During Snowstorms, Data Shows | Digital Trends