Rahfen Clark-Cupp

English Language teacher at Rockingham Public Schools pre-K-5, Rockingham County, Virginia

Keyword: Exploring Peru, Transportation, Education, Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen in Paurcartambo, Weaving, and Food

My name is Rahfen Clark-Cupp.  I live in Virginia with my husband and daughter on a chicken and dairy farm.  I currently work at Rockingham County Public Schools as an English Learner teacher.

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In 2024, I participated in a Fulbright-Hays Partners in Education program in Cusco, Peru, where I developed lessons mainly focusing on my work as an English Language teacher but also creating lessons which could be shared with a wide variety of grades and subjects. I will forever be thankful for the opportunities that this trip afforded me. Going to Peru was a life long dream, one thatk I was nervous to do on my own. The Fulbright-Hays program helped me conquer my fears of going to a foreign county while not being fluent in the native language. This experience changed me as person and taught me more about myself, how adventurous I could be and how I can push myself. There is so much that I appreciate from this program but the biggest thing is being put into a situation which allowed me to experience being a language learner. This program allowed me to experience situations similar to what my students are experiencing which allows me to empathize in a deeper way. I will forever be thankful because of how this program will improve my teaching and personal interactions.