How to become a member
To become a member of ODE, one needs to secure the recommendation of a faculty member. Our events, on the other hand, are open to all who are interested in economics. We especially encourage those who are not currently majored in economics to participate.
Here’s information on membership process from the official website of ODE:
To become a member of Omicron Delta Epsilon, you must be currently enrolled and apply for membership through the chapter at your school, and you must fulfill the eligibilty requirements set out below.
The minimum requirements for admission for undergraduates are:
- completion of 12 credit hours of economics courses; and
- attainment of a Grade Point Average of 3.0 or better in economics courses and an overall GPA of at least 3.0
- in the case of colleges or universities with an Honors Program in Economics, attainment of B-grade work or better.
- for institutions that do not have a credit-hour system, a candidate must stand in the upper one-third of the students studying economics and must have completed principles and have studied intermediate economic theory.
- for universities organized on the British System, prospective members must have Junior standing or higher and must be in residence at least one semester.
- Students should be making the study of economics one of their major interests.
The minimum requirements may be raised by local chapters.
Graduate students in economics are judged solely on their graduate work. They must have:
- completed one semester of full-time work, with a major or minor in economics; and
- attainment of a GPA of 3.0 or better.
There are no admission requirements for faculty members. All are eligible and welcome to join a chapter. Chapters may also elect honorary members. These candidates must be persons of high ethical and professional standards.
No one shall be denied membership because of sex, race, color, creed or national origin.
A life-membership fee is paid by each prospective member of Omicron Delta Epsilon upon election to the Society. In return, the member receives a membership card, scroll and free on-line access to The American Economist. The purchase of the official key or pin by the initiates is optional but highly encouraged (see the merchandise page).
To apply for membership, print and complete this form (PDF format) and give it to your ODE faculty advisor. We can not accept applications sent by individuals.
At the TU chapter, we prefer that our members
- have completed both ECON 201, ECON 202 (or their honors college version), as well as ECON 205 (or an equivalent statistics course);
- have completed at least two of the following three courses: ECON 306, ECON 309, and ECON 310;
- have a strong interest in pursuing the study and/or application of economic science during the remaining years at TU and beyond.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact your TU faculty advisor and ask for a recommendation letter, which you can then submit to the TU chapter’s faculty advisor whose contact information you can find on this website.