New building pictures

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SB 2332 – Field equipment storage & prep

Picture 1: View west (toward) Glen from the door
Cages will go along left (south) wall

Picture 2: View (south)west (toward) Glen from a few steps into the room

Picture 3: View into the rock saw room (SB 2332A) from just inside the door



SB 1150 – sample intake lab – view from hall door

SB 1150 – sample intake lab – view from a few steps in/right of hall door

SB 1150 – sample intake lab – view from 1150B (anteroom)

SB 1150A – desk write up space off instrument lab [point of view] (& sample intake lab)

SB 1150B – anteroom between sample intake lab & clean room [point of view]

SB 1152 – clean lab – view from anteroom btw clean room & instrument lab

SB 1152 – clean lab – view from front/hall side windows

SB 1154A – anteroom between clean lab & instrument lab [point of view]

SB 1154 – Instrument lab – View from door (to south)

SB 1154B – Gas closet off hallway just outside instrument lab

SB 1156 – Microscopy room (SEMs, AFM)