Two M.S. students – Melinda Marsh and Patrick McMahon – from the lab will present at AGU this week. Their posters, along with collaborator Vanessa Beauchamp’s and mine, can seen on Wednesday afternoon in session H33J A Race Against Time: Legacy Effects of Land Use on Water Quality, Watershed Processes, and Ecosystem Function II Posters
Melinda, a first-year M.S. student, will be presenting on using concentration-discharge relationships to better understand solute transport in urban watersheds. Her poster is entitled: H33J-2076 Using High-Frequency Data and Concentration-Discharge Relationships to Describe Solute Mobilization and Transport in Suburban and Urban Watersheds
Patrick will be presenting on the effects of the legacy sediment removal approach to restoration on nitrogen and sediment in 6 watersheds. His poster is entitled: H33J-2057 Export of Nitrogen and Sediments Following Legacy Sediment Removal and Floodplain Reconnection Restoration Projects.
I will be presenting a poster on behalf of Vanessa Beauchamp, graduated M.S. student Patrick Baltzer, and myself entitled: H33J-2069 – Riparian Vegetation Community Composition After Legacy Sediment Removal and Floodplain Reconnection Projects
I also will be presenting a poster on work from my 2018-19 sabbatical, done in part at the MD-DE-DC Water Science Center of the USGS. We used a dataset with nearly 30 million observations to characterize conductivity and chloride concentrations as a function of urbanization within 3 regions in the eastern US and to quantify exceedances of the EPA chloride criteria in a poster entitled: H33J-2061 – High-Frequency Data Reveals Deicing Salt Application Causes Elevated and Increasing Conductivity and Chloride along with Widespread Exceedances of Chloride Water Quality Criteria in Urban Eastern US Streams.