The Moore lab authored or co-authored 5 abstracts for the 2016 Geological Society of America Meeting in Denver, CO.
- Darcy Bird**, Peter Groffman, and Joel Moore. Increasing major ion concentrations and changing ion ratios in urban streams over a 15-year period in Baltimore, MD.
- Eldam R., Navarre-Sitchler A., Singha K., Moore J. (2016) Evaluating control of slope-aspect on deep geochemical weathering within the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory.
- Moore J., Hermann R. S., Miranda R. J., Wiechelt K.*, and Hurley K.* (2016) Broadening and improving transfer pathways for geoscience majors at a large comprehensive university.
- Moore J., Dobbis S., Woodward G.** (2016) Urban watersheds as weathering “hot spots.”
- Price J., Moore J., Kerans D. (2016) The Role of Monazite Weathering on Phosphorus Budgets of the Loch Vale Watershed, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA.
* Towson undergraduate student
** Towson graduate student