The Accomplished Teaching for Student Impact Graduate Certificate

The elements include:

This four-course series is designed to align graduate-level coursework with preparation for National Board Certification (NBC). All educators in the cohort take one, fifteen-week class per semester over a two-year period. With the LEAP grant focus on tapping teacher leaders’ expertise, the NBC-aligned courses were designed by National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs), and NBCTs are also serving in the role of part-time TU adjunct instructors for the courses.

The LEAP grant program supports Howard County educators in their initial candidacy for National Board Certification with the following benefits for educators who enroll:

  • Discounted tuition (in most cases, $0 out-of-pocket costs)
  • Complete meaningful, National Board Certification-aligned tasks with support from National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs)
  • Engage with fellow educators through a fully online or hybrid format with local in-person meetings
  • Option of applying coursework to a Master’s program


  • SCED 647: Advanced Processes of Teaching and Learning (3 credits)
    This course will provide a critical framework for new National Board Certification candidates to begin the candidacy journey. Educators will examine systems for analyzing teaching behavior, models of instruction for achieving cognitive, social and personal learning objectives, and analysis of classroom application of teaching models.
  • ELED 648: Differentiating Instruction for Advanced Learning (3 credits)
    Educators will examine models of instruction for differentiation and meeting individual student needs.
  • EDUC 660: Matters of Diversity, Equity, and Empowerment in Learning Communities (3 credits)
    Coursework will focus on best practices for engaging learners and creating a safe and equitable learning environment
  • SPED 632: Assessment Issues for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (3 credits)
    Educators will examine assessment approaches and strategies for knowing a group of students well.