Abstract Format:
Abstract for short talks and posters: Due by July 16, 2021
One full page or less
E-mail to Dr. David Puthoff: dpputhoff@frostburg.edu
Please let David know if it is for a short talk or poster.
First Author, Second Author and Third Author
Affiliation, address, city, state (Abbreviated)
Email of corresponding author
Skip this line
Abstract starts here
Poster Submission:
Please submit your poster to christopher.clarke@usda.gov by August 13th. Ensure that your poster is a pdf file and smaller than 5mb. Note that the posters will be hosted on Google Drive for the duration of the meeting. A shareable link for downloading and viewing the posters will be distributed to all meeting participants.
Poster submitter should also prepare and submit a brief video of no more than one and a half minute, which will be presented during the meeting to introduce attendees to the poster presenters and the subject matter of their posters. This could include your name and institution, the question being addressed and the high points of the results – and other details that you can include within the time limit. Submitted videos that are longer than the time established will either be truncated or rejected. This is your best opportunity to persuade attendees that your poster is worth looking at.
Student Competition for Best Poster:
This year we will once again offer a $100 cash award and certificate to the best poster presentation by an undergraduate, graduate student or technician. Posters are welcome by all participants but if you are a pre-terminal degree researcher and wish to be considered for this competition please indicate your intentions on the registration form.