Booktrailers 3

Out of My Mind (Version for Teachers)

Out of My Mind (Version for Students)

Out of My Mind (Version 2 for Teachers and Students)

Author: Sharon M. Draper

Citation: “Melody Brooks is an eleven-year-old girl who was born with Cerebral Palsy. Her parents have done everything they can to help her live a normal life, but life is often frustrating for Melody since she cannot speak, move, or communicate her wishes. As a result, Melody has to fight to get her wishes. At age five, Melody is even diagnosed as profoundly retarded. Despite this, Melody’s mom enrolls her in Spaulding Street Elementary school to get the education she needs. However, the class she is put in is like a baby class, learning the same things every day. Melody is frustrated by this…”

Peace, Locomotion

Author:  Jaqueline Woodson.

Citation: “Twelve-year-old Lonnie is finally feeling at home with his foster family. But because he’s living apart from his little sister, Lili, he decides it’s his job to be the “rememberer”—and write down everything that happens while they’re growing up. Lonnie’s musings are bittersweet; he’s happy that he and Lili have new families, but though his new family brings him joy, it also brings new worries. ”

Revolution is Not a Dinner Party

Author: Ying Chang Competine

Citation:  “Nine-year-old Ling has a very happy life. Her parents are both dedicated surgeons at the best hospital in Wuhan, and her father teaches her English as they listen to Voice of America every evening on the radio. But when one of Mao’s political officers moves into a room in their apartment, Ling begins to witness the gradual disintegration of her world…”


Author: Cynthia Lord

Citation:  “Twelve-year-old Catherine just wants a normal life. Which is near impossible when you have a brother with autism and a family that revolves around his disability.”


Author:  R.J. Palacio

Citation:  “August Pullman was born with a facial difference that, up until now, has prevented him from going to a mainstream school. Starting 5th grade at Beecher Prep, he wants nothing more than to be treated as an ordinary kid—but his new classmates can’t get past Auggie’s extraordinary face.”

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