Society for Psychophysiology
McGinley, J.J., Klein, A., Weidler, B.J. (2023). Heart rate variability predicts mean and variability metrics of emotion but not cognition. Psychophysiology, XX(Suppl. 1), SXX.
Psychonomic Society
Bennett, S.W., McGinley, J.J., & Weidler, B.J. (submitted). Automated Symbolic Orienting Revisited: Do Nonpredictive Words Elicit the Same Effect? Poster presented at the 64th annual meeting for the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, CA.
Eibner, M., McGinley, J.J., & Weidler, B.J. (submitted). The Impact of Cell Phone Presence on Attentional Control. Poster presented at the 64th annual meeting for the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, CA.
Association for Psychological Science
McGinley, J.J., Klein, A., Weidler, B.J. (September, 2023). Heart rate variability predicts mean and variability metrics of emotion but not cognition. Psychophysiology, XX(Suppl. 1), SXX.
Johnson, T., & McGinley, J.J., (May, 2023). Emotion Science Video System: Video Clips with Discrete and Dimensional Ratings. Poster presented at the 35th annual convention for the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D.C.
Goodling, S., & McGinley, J.J. (May, 2023). Is there functional coherence across systems in the disgust response? Poster presented at the 35th annual convention for the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D.C.
Klein, A., Bennett, S., Weidler, B.J., & McGinley, J.J. (May, 2023). Heart rate variability is related to emotional responding but not traditional executive function metrics. Poster presented at the 35th annual convention for the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D.C.
Baumann, H., McGinley, J.J., & Weidler, B.J., (May, 2023). Color Consistency Speeds Graph Interpretation. Poster presented at the 35th annual convention for the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D.C.
European Association of Social Psychology
Baldner, C., & McGinley, J.J. (June, 2023). Re-thinking empathy: Is a hiatus on empathy as a unique construct necessary? Talk presented at the 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Krakow, Poland.
Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum
Bennett, S.W., Alderite, M., Cudek, J., Schuchardt, K., McGinley, J.J., & Weidler, B.J. (April, 2023). Automated symbolic orienting revisited: Do nonpredictive words elicit the same effect? Poster presented at Towson University’s Student Research and Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Eibner, M., Klingelhofer, A., Tran, C., Alvarez-Hernandez, J., McGinley, J.J., & Weidler, B.J. (April, 2023). The impact of cell phone presence on attentional control. Poster presented at Towson University’s Student Research and Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Spears, M., DiClaudio, K., Ralph, C., Tony, A., Klein, A., Weidler, B.J., McGinley, J.J., & Miller, B.W. (April, 2023). You could think that, but you’d be wrong: The impact of text structure and evocative language in scientific texts on emotional responses and memory. Poster presented at Towson University’s Student Research and Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Lund, B., Harris, E., Lynch, M., Spangler, J., McGinley, J.J., Weidler, B.J., & Wahlheim, C.N. (April, 2023). The Role of spacing in memory updating and truth perception. Poster presented at Towson University’s Student Research and Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Weathers, E., Fowble, E., Merlo, M., Watson, D., Weidler, B.J., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2023). How processing stimuli alters the endowment effect. Poster presented at Towson University’s Student Research and Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Society for Psychophysiological Research
Spangler, D.P., McGinley, J.J., Friedman, B.H., & Thayer, J.F. (September, 2022). Unraveling the cognitive correlates of heart rate variability with the ex-Gaussian and drift diffusion models. Talk presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting for the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Vancouver, BC.
Psychonomic Society
Eibner, M., Bennett, S., McGinley, J.J., Hicken, L., & Weidler, B.J. (November, 2022). Cognitive Consequences of Auditory Task-Elicited Eye Movements. Poster presented at the 63rd annual meeting for the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.
Bennett, S., McGinley, J.J., Hicken, L., Hilchey, M.D., & Weidler, B.J. (November, 2022). Spatial Auditory Task-Elicited Systematic Eye Movement: Voluntary or Reflexive? Poster presented at the 63rd annual meeting for the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.
Lund, B. & Weidler, B.J. (November, 2022). Cognitive Effects of Olfactory Stimulation. Poster presented at the 63rd annual meeting for the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.
National Conference of Undergraduate Research
Walsh, S. N., Weidler, B. J., (2022, April). The Impact of Affect on Executive Control. Talk presented at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research, virtual.
Donatien, J., Montgrain, L.E., Hilchey, M. & Weidler, B. J., (2022, April). The Impact of the Decoy Effect and Visual Cues on Decision Making. Poster presented at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research, virtual.
Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum
Bennett, S.W., Jewell, O.F., Golabi, N., Lebo, D., Langholt, R., Weidler, B.J., McGinley, J.J., & Hicken, L. (April, 2022). Spatial auditory task-elicited systematic eye movement: Voluntary or reflexive? Poster presented at Towson University’s Student Research and Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Bhattacharya, T., Martin, G., Terry, L., Edmonds, K., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2022). Comparing metrics of vagal activity through tasks of cognitive inhibition. Poster presented at Towson University’s Student Research and Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Psychonomic society
Montgrain, L, Donatien, J. Pratt, J., Weidler B. J., & Hilchey, M. D. & (2021, November). Effects of Visual Cues and Decoys on Product Choice. Poster presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Virtual Psychonomics
Colvett, J., Weidler B. J., & Bugg, J. M. & (2021, November). Revealing Object-Based Attentional Control in a Moving Object Paradigm. Poster presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Virtual Psychonomics
Bennett, S., Lund, B., Weidler B. J., & Cohen-Shikora, E. (2021, November). Effect of Incidental Color on Judgments and Memory. Poster presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Virtual Psychonomics
McCoy, H., & Weidler B. J., (2021, November). E The Effect of Accountability on False Memory. Poster presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Virtual Psychonomics
Association for Psychological Science
Judy, K., & McGinley, J.J. (May, 2021). Emotion Regulation Moderates the Effect of Pandemic-Related Factors on Anxiety during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Poster presented at the 33rd annual convention for the Association for Psychological Science, Held Virtually.
Academy of Management
Pustovit, S., Sutcliffe, K.M., Barton, M.A., Christianson, M.K., McGinley, J.J., & Waller, M.J. (July, 2021). Understanding the Workplace Consequences of Uncertainty Through the Lens of COVID-19. Talk presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Held Virtually. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2021.10562symposium
McGinley, J.J, & Judy, K. (August, 2021). Uncertainty and Anxiety during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Reflections and Future Directions. Talk presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Held Virtually.
Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum
Gondringer, A., Villanueva, B., Rendon-Garcia, C., & Sears, O. & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2021). Anxiety and physiological recovery from a stressor. Talk presented at Towson University’s Student Research and Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Judy, K., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2021). Emotion Regulation Moderates the Effects of Pandemic-Related Factors on Perceived Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Talk presented at Towson University’s Student Research and Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Johnson, T., Lutz, E., Villanueva, B., Bhattacharya, T., Sears, O., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2021). The operations of emotion elicitation: 3 forms of validated evocative stimulus sets. Talk presented at Towson University's Student Research and Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Rinker, D., Rendon-Garcia, C., Sears, O., Villanueva, B., Pais, M., Johnson, T., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2021). Emotion Science Picture System: a new stimulus set for research in emotion. Talk presented at Towson University's Student Research and Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Pais, M., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2021). The Gut Microbiome and Mental Health: Anxiety and Depression. Talk presented at Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Villanueva, B., Judy, K., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2021). Increased perceived anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic persisted as COVID-19 progressed: A longitudinal study on college students. Talk presented at Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Society for Psychophysiology Research
Judy, K., & McGinley, J.J. (2020). Resting heart rate variability does not predict inhibitory control in three laboratory tasks. Psychophysiology, 57(Suppl. 1), S11.
Gondringer, A., & McGinley, J.J. (2020). Untangling the relationship between heart rate variability and self-report anxiety. Psychophysiology, 57(Suppl. 1), S42.
Psychonomic Society
Weidler, B. J., Taylor, E, Hilchey, M. & Pratt, J. (2020, November). Eliminating the Low Prevalence Effect in Visual Search with a Remarkably Simple Strategy. Talk presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Virtual Psychonomics
Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum
Lutz, E., Barth, M., Scudder, A., Langley, M., Assi, A., Scott, M., Thomas, M., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2020). Emotional Impact: The Role of Heart Rate Variability on Executive Performance Under Duress. Talk presented at Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Mullin, C. J., Lutz, E., Fagan, L., Scott, M., Assi, A., Choe, J., Ferdinand, D., Pais, M., & Capobianchi, G.& McGinley, J.J. (April, 2020). Vagal flexibility and cognitive stability during persistent distraction. Talk presented at Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD.
Gondringer, A., Langley, M., Thomas, M., Rinker, D., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2020). Social stress and emotion regulation. Talk presented at Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD.
Judy, K., Fagan, L., Lutz, E., Simpson, S., Scudder, A., Hathazi, J., Sears, O., Bracewell, G., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2020). Social Anxiety and Vagal Tone’s Effect on Disengagement from Threat Cues. Talk presented at Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD.
Fagan, L., Lutz, E. T. H., Simpson, S., Hathazi, J., Larkin, K., Miller, E., Reyes, B. & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2020) The influence of emotion regulation strategies on heart rate. Talk presented at Towson University's Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD.
Society of Psychophysiological Research
Mullin, C.J., & McGinley, J.J. (September, 2019). The interaction of disgust and vagal activity informs subsequent risk-taking behavior. Talk presented at the 59Th Annual Meeting for the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Washington D.C. DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13501
Psychonomic Society
Weidler, B. J., Cohen-Shikora, E. R., Hicks, B., & McKinnon, A. (2019, November). Conflict Based Modulations in Attentional Control Influence Semantic Processing.. Poster presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Montreal, CA
Eastern Psychological Association
Elsayed, S.E., & McGinley, J.J. (March, 2019). The interaction of anxiety and heart rate variability on executive function performance. Presented at Eastern Psychological Association.
American Psychological Society
Weidler, B. J., Elsayed, S., McGinley J. J. (2019, May). Emotion Has Little Influence on Conflict-Triggered Adjustments in Attentional Control. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C.
McGinley J. J., Elsayed, S, Mullin, C., & Weidler, B. J. (2019, May). The New Normal? No Relationship between Resting Heart Rate Variability and Attentional Regulation. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C.
Association for Psychological Science
McGinley, J.J., Elsayed, S.E., Weidler, B.J., & Mullin, C. (May, 2019). The New Normal? No Relationship Between Resting Heart Rate Variability and Attentional Regulation. Poster presented at the 31st annual convention for the Association for Psychological Science, Washington D.C.
Weidler, B.J., Elsayed, S.E., & McGinley, J.J. (May, 2019). Emotion Has Little Influence on Conflict-Triggered Adjustments in Attentional Control. Poster presented at the 31st annual convention for the Association for Psychological Science, Washington D.C.
Vision Sciences Society
Hilchey M. D., Weidler, B. J., & Pratt, J.P. (2019, May). Statistical learning can modulate contingent attentional capture. Poster presented at the meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.
Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum
Jaweed, S., Kolker, Z.M., Mullin, C.J., Wildberger, J., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2019). Does spirituality protect against the physiological effects of existential anxiety? Poster presented at Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD
Mullin, C.J., Fagan, L., Pearce, M., Garvin, R., Holmes, D., Simpson, S., Scudder, A., Fernandez, X., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2019). Disgust and vagal influences on risk taking. Poster presented at Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD.
Elsayed, S., Fagan, L., Seyboth, H., Small, E., Muniz, L., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2019). The influence of anxiety on executive function. Poster presented at Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD.
Elsayed, S., Fernandez, X., Eady, I., Scudder, A., Pearce, M., Sunju-Abbey, E.., Weidler, B.J., & McGinley, J.J. (April, 2019). Resting heart rate variability and executive function. Poster presented at Towson University’s Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum, Towson, MD.
Psychonomic Society
Weidler, B. J., Hilchey M. D., Abrams, R. A., & Pratt, J. P. (2018, November). Context modulates integration effects –selectively when it is task relevant. Poster presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA
Hilchey M. D., Weidler, B. J., Abrams, R. A., & Pratt, J. P. (2018, November). Context does not modulate location-response integration effects. Poster presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA
Huffman, G. H., Hilchey, M. D., Weidler, B. J., Mills, M., & Pratt, J. (2018, November). The partial repetition cost paradigm, reversed: No feature integration effects without target discrimination. Poster presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA
Society for Psychophysiological Research
McGinley, J.J., Sagan, O., Parton, D., Rompilla, D.R. (October, 2018). Escaping the file drawer: Is heart rate variability always useful as a biomarker for self-regulation? Talk presented at the 58th Annual Meeting for the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Quebec City, Canada.