Both Matt Wynd (Director of Information Technology Support Centers) and Tricia Halstead (Manager, Blackboard Administrator) from OTS will be hosting a “Town Hall” meeting on March 13th from 1:00pm-2:00pm in 305 HH for the purpose of gathering feedback around your experiences with and use of Blackboard. This is an initiative from the Academic Committee on Technology and is part of an effort to ensure the investments TU has made in instructional technologies (in this case Blackboard) are, in fact, enhancing and improving the learning experience. They are acting as part of a subcommittee tasked with better understanding when, how and why faculty choose to use, or not to use, Blackboard in their courses.
Feedback from you at this meeting on March 13th, will help determine recommendations as to how best to promote and support Blackboard to better meet the needs of both faculty and students. To that end, they have a short list of questions that will be sent out before the meeting. You may use the questions as talking points or are invited to write out answers to the questions and either send them to OTS or bring them to the meeting. Their intent is to listen and learn from you. Since all colleges (and even the departments within) can vary widely in their needs, we are also interested in issues that may be specific to only your classes.