Category Archives: Professional Development

Dean’s Sabbatical Lecture Series

Supporting New and Early Career Teachers in Maryland Public School Systems: Perceptions, Reality, and Finding Communities of Support​

Dr. Janese Daniels

March 15 2017, 1–2 p.m.
Towson Room, Cook Library

Dr. Janese Daniels, associate professor in early childhood education will present a lecture titled Supporting New & Early Career Teachers in Maryland Public School Systems: Perceptions, Reality, and Finding Communities of Support​.

Light refreshments will be served.

About the Presentation

In this sabbatical presentation, findings from an exploratory study on the needs of new and early career teachers will be discussed. This study explored the needs of early career teachers regarding their perceived needs for support during the pre-tenure period, what types of support they received, and what they would like to have received to ensure that they remained in the profession beyond the pre-tenure period. Early findings indicate that early career teachers want multiple mentoring models, access to faculty in colleges of education from institutes of higher education, and that they seek a sense of professional community early in their careers. Recommendations for partnerships between IHE and local public school systems to help support new and early career teachers will be shared.

Towson University Spring 2017 Diversity Speaker special announcement

The Towson University College of Education invites you to the Student Affairs Diversity Speaker Series Event:

“Diversity & Equity in Public Education”
Featuring Dr. Jonathan Kozol

In Conversation with Dr. Laurie Mullen, Dean – College of Education

March 14, 2017
6:30 pm
SECU Arena

Jonathan Kozol is a highly honored education writer, and one of the most eloquent advocates for children of low income and for racial diversity in our schools and universities. Kozol has received the National Book Award for Death at an Early Age, the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award for Rachel and Her Children, and many other honors for his books Saving Inequalities, Amazing Grace, The Shame of the Nation, and Fire in the Ashes. He has been working with children in inner-city schools for nearly fifty years.

Jonathan Kozol is also the founder of Education Action!, a nonprofit organization intended to be a US national support structure aiming to help stem the flight of teachers from underfunded and racially segregated schools.

This event is open to the general public. Doors open at 6 pm.

Co-sponsored by: College of Education & Albert S. Cook Library

For more information, contact:

Mahnoor Ahmed
Associate Director, Student Diversity and Development


April 2017 Research Forum: Call for Participation

On behalf of the COE Faculty Development and Research Committee (FDRC), we would like to invite you to submit a proposal to present at our upcoming COE Faculty Research Forum scheduled for Monday, April 24, 2017. Scheduled during our regularly occurring COE meeting, this forum is an opportunity for COE faculty to come together to share completed research projects or works in progress and for us to collaborate around various areas of scholarship. This year we have added various options for presentation formats, including traditional roundtable discussions, panel presentations, and poster sessions. If you have questions about the event, please contact the FDRC representative within your department.  Continue

2017 Special Education Alumni Series (SEAS)

Title:  Universal Design in Action:  Supporting Expert Learning

Wednesday, April 26, 2017
5:00 – 7:00 pm
University Union, Patuxent Lounge

Dr. Elizabeth Berquist
Baltimore County Public Schools Principals’ Panel

Participants will identify strategies for supporting expert learners, with a focus on executive functioning (interactive keynote).  Participants will learn about how a focus on learner centered environments impacts instructional practices and school climate (Baltimore County Public Schools Principals’ Panel).

Race, Poverty and Education: A Poverty Simulation Event

5:00 – 7:00 pm
West Village Ballrooms A&B

The nationwide effects of poverty are seen right here in our own backyard. This poverty simulation event provides participants the opportunity to experience living with limited resources for a simulated month. This 2-hour event will include a 1-hour simulation and 1-hour in-depth discussion afterwards. This year’s program will have a specific focus on education and urban schools. The simulation will also address other important variables, including: government/social services, housing, gender, race, immigration, healthcare, workforce development, and criminal justice.

Please RSVP to  Space is limited.

Submissions Requested for the International Journal of Information and Learning Technology

The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology ( invites submissions for a special issue focusing on research that highlights current and emerging trends in the field of instructional technology.

We invite authors to submit papers on topics including, but not exclusive to, the following topics:
– Learning Analytics
– Gamification and Game-Based Learning
– Mobile Learning
– Teaching and Learning in One-to-One Environments
– Robotics and Computational Thinking
– Makerspaces
– Multimedia Learning
– Online Learning


Universal Design Professional Development Program

Learn how to use a flexible, educational framework (UDL ) to plan and design learning experiences with variability in mind; use digital media to create flexible learning environments; and ensure learning opportunities are inclusive of all.

This campus wide program is open to all faculty and staff who want to improve how they plan, conduct, and assess their instruction for TU students and adult learners in the workplace.  Continue