Category Archives: Professional Development

2018 NCTEAR Conference: Proposals Requested

2018 NCTEAR Conference
National Council of Teachers of English, Assembly for Research
Proposals Due: September 30, 2017

Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Activism (IDEA):
Research and Practice for Success for All
March 16-18, 2018
Towson University

NCTEAR has been an open, inclusive, progressive, and friendly forum that welcomes participants from diverse research paradigms, educational practices, and ethnolinguistic backgrounds. 2018 NCTEAR would like to invite you to rethink the critical issues of inclusivity, diversity, and equity in our shared passions, dreams, and worlds of education where students, teachers, and diverse communities succeed in, through, and with our joint efforts of building the bridges.

Envisioning Equity in Greater Baltimore Classrooms

Join Towson University and other education stakeholders for Envisioning Equity in Greater Baltimore’s Classrooms: A gathering hosted by Towson University’s College of Education.

From tackling the ways in which implicit biases affect systems, practices, and how we approach our work with children of color to exploring promising practices that promote equity, we will use this day to recognize the challenges and focus on the assets of the children and their communities to guarantee future student success.

Noted social critic, public intellectual, and science advocate Dr. Christopher Emdin will serve as keynote speaker. Emdin is a leading researcher in Hip-Hop, science, and education, whose commentary on issues of race, culture, inequality, and education have appeared in dozens of influential periodicals.

West Village Commons
Saturday, October 7, 2017
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Link to Register

Writing Boot Camp Invitation

Writing Boot Camp For College of Education Faculty Members

June 5-9, 2017
9:00 am – 1 pm
Cook Library

  • Is another semester slipping by without you meeting your research and writing goals?
  • Do you have a research project that you have been trying to start or finish (or both)?

Then spend a week in the COE Writing Boot Camp!

This week is devoted to you writing in a supportive environment with others working toward the same goal – no workshops, no presentations, just uninterrupted work time. Group facilitation and goal-setting will be incorporated to support you in achieving your writing goal(s) for the week.

Boot Camp is open to all tenured and non-tenured professors, as well as clinical and visiting faculty.

To RSVP, email, by May 26, 2017

Dean’s Sabbatical Series: Sarah Lohnes Watulak

Instructor and Student Experiences of Connected Learning in Pre-service Technology Education Courses

Dr. Sarah Lohnes Watulak
May 10, 2017, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Towson Room, Cook Library

This sabbatical presentation will share emerging findings from a multi-case study conducted in Fall 2016 that examined the possibilities for connected learning as a model for the design of rich, technology supported learning in pre-service technology education courses. Themes related to the course instructors and pre-service teachers’ experiences of teaching and learning in a connected learning environment will be presented. Implications for the design of future connected learning experiences for pre-service teachers, as well as avenues for future research, will also be highlighted.

Dean’s Sabbatical Series: Keri-Anne Croce

Navigating Assessment with Linguistically Diverse Learners
Keri-Anne Croce

May 1, 2017, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Loch Raven Room, University Union

In this sabbatical presentation, Dr. Croce will discuss how to assess and instruct linguistically diverse students while also honoring their cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Special attention is given to students’ literacy development in the math and sciences. This book talk revolves around the idea that linguistically diverse learners may engage in critical thinking in ways that we may not anticipate. It is suggested that students who are learning in an additional language do not need to “catch up.” Assessment should instead measure the new ways that students are interacting with the world. This book helps discover the many ways to help students develop as critically thinking readers, writers, and speakers. The information contained in this book will hopefully advance a dialogue between teachers and linguistically diverse students as they read and write multiple genres together.

Insights and Opportunities in Urban Education Event

Insights and Opportunities in Urban Education Event

With Sia Kyriakako
2017 Maryland Teacher of the Year

Date: Thursday, April 20, 2017
Time: 4:30 – 5:30 pm

This program will focus on critical issues in urban education.

Join us virtually through WEBEX or in person at UMUC’s Academic Center in Largo.

Please register at by April 17th to indicate whether you plan to attend in person or vitually.

For more information, please contact:

Warna Gillies, PhD
Program Chair, Master of Arts in Teaching
Department of Education
University of Maryland University College

Kristin Kubik
Director of Student Support
Department of Education
University of Maryland University College

Call for Proposals and Education Conference

Your are invited to participate at the Critical Questions in Education Symposium to be held October 30—31, 2017, at the Hotel Monaco in Pittsburgh, PA.  Below you will find information about the Symposium sponsored by the Academy for Educational Studies .  Deadline for submitting proposals for the Symposium is JULY 1, 2017.

Continue for more details

April 24, 2017 Research Forum: Save the Date!

On behalf of the COE Faculty Development and Research Committee (FDRC), we would like to thank those of you who submitted a proposal to present at the COE Research Forum on April 24, 2017 from 2:00-4:00 PM in the Chesapeake Rooms at the Union. The afternoon promised to be a time to celebrate, share and learn from all of the important scholarly work taking place in the COE.

The annual Research Forum takes place during the regularly scheduled April COE meeting. For those of you not presenting a schedule and abstracts of the presentations will be emailed to you a week before the Research Forum for you to peruse and select the sessions you would like to attend. Refreshments will be served and a raffled for exciting TU door prizes will be conducted!!