All posts by Dippel, Jennifer R.
COE Commencement Reception Photos
Photos from the December 2016 Commencement Reception are available.
Check out the link here to view and download photos. Use the pin # 8220.
MSDE’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Draft Plan Survey
MSDE’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) External Stakeholder’s Committee is helping to prepare Maryland’s ESSA Consolidated State Plan to align with the federal ESSA signed by President Obama last December. A full first draft of the state plan has been constructed and is available for public view on MSDE’s Website. There is also a survey people are asked to fill out to provide feedback on what they think of this draft.
The Maryland ESSA draft plan is here and the list of listening tour dates and locations can be found here .
I encourage you to provide your thoughts on the draft plan as well as attend a listening session.
Thank you,
Free Minds, Free People Conference – Proposal Request
Happy New Year! I am passing along information regarding an upcoming conference being held in Baltimore in July. Proposal deadline is Jan 27th.
Free Minds, Free People is a national conference that brings together teachers, young people, researchers, parents and community-based activists/educators from across the country to build a movement to develop and promote education as a tool for liberation. We seek to develop ways of teaching and learning both in and out of school that help us to build a more just society. The conference is a space in which these groups can learn from and teach each other, sharing knowledge, experience and strategies. Continue