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All posts by Dippel, Jennifer R.
Dean’s Sabbatical Series: Sarah Lohnes Watulak
Instructor and Student Experiences of Connected Learning in Pre-service Technology Education Courses
Dr. Sarah Lohnes Watulak
May 10, 2017, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Towson Room, Cook Library
This sabbatical presentation will share emerging findings from a multi-case study conducted in Fall 2016 that examined the possibilities for connected learning as a model for the design of rich, technology supported learning in pre-service technology education courses. Themes related to the course instructors and pre-service teachers’ experiences of teaching and learning in a connected learning environment will be presented. Implications for the design of future connected learning experiences for pre-service teachers, as well as avenues for future research, will also be highlighted.
Dean’s Sabbatical Series: Keri-Anne Croce
Navigating Assessment with Linguistically Diverse Learners
Keri-Anne Croce
May 1, 2017, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Loch Raven Room, University Union
In this sabbatical presentation, Dr. Croce will discuss how to assess and instruct linguistically diverse students while also honoring their cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Special attention is given to students’ literacy development in the math and sciences. This book talk revolves around the idea that linguistically diverse learners may engage in critical thinking in ways that we may not anticipate. It is suggested that students who are learning in an additional language do not need to “catch up.” Assessment should instead measure the new ways that students are interacting with the world. This book helps discover the many ways to help students develop as critically thinking readers, writers, and speakers. The information contained in this book will hopefully advance a dialogue between teachers and linguistically diverse students as they read and write multiple genres together.
Insights and Opportunities in Urban Education Event
Insights and Opportunities in Urban Education Event
With Sia Kyriakako
2017 Maryland Teacher of the Year
Date: Thursday, April 20, 2017
Time: 4:30 – 5:30 pm
This program will focus on critical issues in urban education.
Join us virtually through WEBEX or in person at UMUC’s Academic Center in Largo.
Please register at http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/UrbanEduc by April 17th to indicate whether you plan to attend in person or vitually.
For more information, please contact:
Warna Gillies, PhD
Program Chair, Master of Arts in Teaching
Department of Education
University of Maryland University College
Kristin Kubik
Director of Student Support
Department of Education
University of Maryland University College
Free Event: Courageous Conversations About Race
Hack This Class 2017 Technology Challenge
Calling all COE Faculty and Students!
Submit your innovative approaches to solving pedagogical challenges to:
- be a model for innovative technology integration,
- energize your teaching,
- solve an instructional issue,
- earn an exciting prize!
Take part in the “Hack This Class” 2017 Technology Challenge to showcase your innovations to the COE community.
Faculty Promotions
I am pleased to announce the following faculty promotions, effective at the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year.
Full Professor
Dr. Gilda Martinez-Alba, Acting Chair, Department of Educational Technology & Literacy
Dr. Molly Mee, Chair, Department of Secondary and Middle School Education
Dr. Stephen Schroth, Department of Early Childhood Education
Associate Professor
Dr. Vicki McQuitty, Department of Elementary Education
Dr. Heather Haverback, Department of Secondary and Middle School Education
Dr. Patricia Rice Doran, Department of Special Education
Dr. Jessica Shiller, Department of Instructional Leadership and Professional Development
Please join me in congratulating these faculty on this career milestone!
Thank you,
April 17th, 12 pm: Speaker Dr. Simone Gibson
Please join us from 12-1 pm to hear Dr. Simone Gibson talk about the preparation of teachers to work with students of color. Dr. Gibson is an assistant professor from Morgan State University and is a faculty associate at the Baltimore Educational Research Consortium at Johns Hopkins.
Lunch will be served. Please RSVP by Wednesday 4/12.
This event is open, so please pass the word on to anyone who you think would be interested– students or faculty!
Dissertation Defense
Student: Lisa Twiss
April 19, 2017
12:30 pm
Hawkins Hall, Room 110
Dissertation Title: How Urban Youth Use Digital Tools at Community Technology Centers to Support the Development of Civic Engagement Pathways: A Multisite, Multicase Study
Call for Proposals and Education Conference
Your are invited to participate at the Critical Questions in Education Symposium to be held October 30—31, 2017, at the Hotel Monaco in Pittsburgh, PA. Below you will find information about the Symposium sponsored by the Academy for Educational Studies . Deadline for submitting proposals for the Symposium is JULY 1, 2017.