Urban Education Faculty Research

Many Towson University faculty focus their research on urban education and other issues related to teaching and learning in diverse societies. Below is a sample of faculty research in such areas.


Mogge, S. & Power, K. (2015). Showing up: Writing, reading and cross-cultural awareness in community literacy work. In Ayers, W., Heller, C. & Hurtig, J. (Eds.).  Every person is a philosopher: Emancipatory education and the radical teaching life of Hal Adams Reader. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishers.


Mogge, S. (2014). Forward. In Archibold, S., Campbell, C., Chanic, C., Christian, R., Ciccarino, B. (Eds.). Dare to believe. Stories of exceptional hope, courage, faith and determination. Baltimore, MD: Apprentice House.


McDermott, M, Shelton, N. & Mogge, S. (Fall 2012). Preservice teachers’ perceptions of immigrants and possibilities of transformative pedagogy: Recommendations for a praxis of “Critical Aesthetics”. International Journal of Multicultural Education (14) 2.


Mogge, S. (2008). Confronting Intolerance: Critical, responsive literacy instruction with adult immigrants. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam: Netherlands.


Shiller, J. (2015). The new reality for suburban schools: How suburban schools are struggling with low income students and students of color in their schools. New York: Peter Lang.


Shiller, J. (Producer). (2015, January 28). Schools Out: The impact of closing schools in Baltimore. Retrieved from www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufpQEhNa0Qo


Watson, M. J. & Wiggan, G. (2016). Sankofa healing and restoration: A case

study of African American excellence and achievement in an urban school. Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies, 9(1), 59-86.


Wiggan, G. & Watson, M. J. (2016). Teaching the whole child: The

importance of involvement, cultural responsiveness, and character development in nurturing high performing African American students. The Urban Review, 48(5), 766-798.