Our interest in science policy, particularly as it relates to development and economic growth in lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in Africa, aims to answer the following questions:
“How can the talent and innovation be tapped from and applied by the citizens of countries of LMICs to address their own development challenges?” “How might local scientific expertise be tapped to help communities impacted by contaminated water?”; “How might relevant mitigation or remediation technologies be developed and deployed in low- and middle-income countries?”; “How can local solutions for development challenges be sourced, supported and scaled?”
Our research is directed at understanding optimal practices and innovative models that spur scientific research and capacity building, and subsequent economic growth and development, through partnerships across disciplinary, national and sectoral boundaries. We aim to uncover and highlight the most promising approaches that could be the key to catalytic transformation of livelihoods and futures of people in LMICs.
Select publication
Muhoro, C. N. “Science and Technology Partnerships in Africa”, The African Technopolitan 2016, 5, 124-7.