Summer 2015 Faculty-Led Program: Tropical Field Ecology in Peru

Tropical Field Ecology in Peru Cuzco, Peru Courses: BIOL 447 Tropical Field Ecology OR  BIOL 547 Tropical Field Ecology (Graduate students only) Fearless Leader: Dr. Harald Beck Site visits: 3-day boat trip on the Manu River, visit to the lost city of Machu Picchu, a bus trip across the Andes mountain range, and numerous hikes… Read more Summer 2015 Faculty-Led Program: Tropical Field Ecology in Peru

“Peru: Life at the Top” through photos

Now that our students are back from their Faculty-Led program in Peru, the pictures are flooding in! These stunning photos are courtesy of Kelley Johnson, Jacob Millford, Jacqueline Mockler, and Tiaira Bates and highlight the groups’ experience in Lima, Cuzco, Machu Picchu and more. Check it out!