A Spring in Israel

Name: Maggy Kay Year: Junior Study Abroad Term: Spring 2015 Destination: Jerusalem, Israel When deciding where to study abroad, what led you to choose your destination? I have always wanted to study abroad in Israel. It wasn’t that I wanted to study abroad and then chose Israel. I knew that I wanted to study abroad… Read more A Spring in Israel

AIFS Study Abroad: Student Blog

Check out the AIFS Study Abroad student blog! This blog contains student accounts of numerous different countries and trips! It is a great source if you are looking to study abroad but are unsure of where to go. AIFS Study Abroad Student Blog http://blog.aifsabroad.com/

CEA Study Abroad: Student Blogs

This blog is created by CEA study abroad programs as a place for student who travel through CEA programs to document their experiences. The blog contains posts from all over the world! Take a look at the page and find out information about your future destination. CEA Study Abroad Programs Blog http://www.ceastudyabroadblog.com/