International Education Week is Almost Here!

International Education Week is quickly approaching! From an Intensive Cambodian Classical Costume-Making Workshop to the quarterly flag rotation ceremony to Mocktails Around the World, there’s bound to be an event that interests you. Check out the schedule below for a full list of events from November 14 – 20. IEW Poster

Mini 2015 Faculty-Led Program: Dual Language Learners in Puerto Rico

Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Settings, Puerto Rico San Juan, Puerto Rico Courses: ECED 460 Teaching Dual Language Learners, ECED 670 Special Topics, ECED 494 Travel Study, ECED 794 (Grad) Travel Study Fearless Leader: Dr. Judith Cruzado-Guerrero  Excursions: Visits to Old San Juan, El Yunque Rainforest, Tres Cabezas, and Piñones Did you know Puerto Rico’s mascot is a tree frog found only in… Read more Mini 2015 Faculty-Led Program: Dual Language Learners in Puerto Rico