
CALLING ALL STUDY ABROAD ALUMNI!  What would your life be like if you had never studied abroad? Now, think of how different a friend’s life would be if you could just convince them to go abroad, too. We share your passion for international education. That’s why the Institute of International Education (IIE) has joined forces… Read more #GoStudyAbroad!

I’m back, now what? Baltimore Lessons from Abroad Re-Entry Conference

Have you recently returned from abroad? Want to reflect and talk with other like-minded individuals about your international experience? Looking for ways to get back abroad or launch an international career? The Baltimore Lessons from Abroad Planning Committee would like to invite you to attend the 2016 Baltimore Lessons From Abroad (LFA) Conference on Saturday,… Read more I’m back, now what? Baltimore Lessons from Abroad Re-Entry Conference

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

Calling all Towson students! Do you receive the Pell Grant? Have you always wanted to study abroad, but the sticker shock left you feeling less than optimistic? Do you like free stuff? If you answered yes to these questions, keep reading! We’ve got some important information coming your way. The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship… Read more Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

Global Education Scholarship Recipient Q&A

Laura Bastings was awarded $1,000 for our Global Education Scholarship!  Her application and essay were fantastic and the scholarship committee was incredibly impressed! CEA Business, Communications & Liberal Arts (French Riviera, France) Laura Bastings is a Mass Communications major with a minor in Marketing, from Brookeville, MD. She will be studying abroad in the French… Read more Global Education Scholarship Recipient Q&A

Live blog from Italy

Want to follow along on a minimester faculty-led program? Check in with Dr. Earnest from the Psychology Department and his group of students via their page. Dr. Earnest writes, “Italy, particularly the cities of Florence and Rome, have historically been centers of culture change and expansion for generations. The Roman Empire, Roman Catholic Church, and… Read more Live blog from Italy