Student Stories: the point of view of an international student. How is studying abroad in the US?

My name is Silvia Grassini, and I am a  rising Senior International Business major at Towson University. I am also a student athlete, I play Volleyball in the varsity team here at Towson.  This summer, I interned in the Towson Study Abroad Office. I am an international student from Padua, Italy. My adventure in the… Read more Student Stories: the point of view of an international student. How is studying abroad in the US?

How I Survived a Year Abroad with Food Allergies (And How You Can Too)

Margaret Geanacopoulos is a Senior at Towson University majoring in International Studies. For the duration of her Junior year, Margaret studied abroad through a TU Exchange Program at Kansai Gaidai University in Osaka, Japan. Margaret also works at the Towson University Study Abroad Office as a Peer Advisor. Around the time I was seven years… Read more How I Survived a Year Abroad with Food Allergies (And How You Can Too)

Faculty Feature: Professor Lynn Tomlinson

Lynn Tomlinson is an assistant film professor at Towson University with expertise in the areas of animation, visual effects, film and media history and theory, production, and post-production. In Summer 2018, Professor Tomlinson led the “TU Crafting Fantastic Worlds: Film, Effects, and Animation in the New Zealand Landscape” faculty-led program. Peer Advisor (PA): Why did… Read more Faculty Feature: Professor Lynn Tomlinson