Summer 2014: Culture & Psychology in Argentina

You can follow the journey through Argentina on the Summer 2014 page where Dr. Earnest & his students will be live blogging.

Welcome to the 2014 Culture and Psychology Study Abroad Program to Argentina blog space!

Ever wondered…

  • Why Buenos Aires is called the “Paris of South America”?
  • How exposure to new cultures can change our lives?
  • What exactly is a gaucho?
  • Is human nature really universal?
  • What exactly was the Argentine “Dirty War”?
  • How our national history really impacts our day to day lives?
  • What is the real story behind Eva “Evita” Peron?
  • How interrelated are culture and psychology?
  • Is Argentine beef really as good as everyone claims? And what about the wine?
  • What differences exist between Argentine and U.S. culture?

If you have ever thought about any of these questions or I have just peaked your interest, I would like to offer you the chance to join us on this adventure by following our posts.

While abroad, students participating in this program will be posting about the culture, people, excursions, speakers, their personal stories and reflections, and other activities they experience during this 2 week trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina. I invite you to share in this unique experience with us as we explore Buenos Aires and examine the similarities and differences between Argentine and U.S. culture from a psychological perspective.


David Earnest

Program Faculty Director and Assistant Professor of Psychology

Check out this Buenos Aires video from the Travel Channel!

Buenos Aires study abroad
Photo courtesy National Geographic Traveler

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