Mini 2015 Faculty-Led Program: Dual Language Learners in Puerto Rico

Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Settings, Puerto Rico

San Juan Puerto Rico Study abroad
San Juan, Puerto Rico, Photo Courtesy of

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Courses: ECED 460 Teaching Dual Language Learners, ECED 670 Special Topics, ECED 494 Travel Study, ECED 794 (Grad) Travel Study

Fearless Leader: Dr. Judith Cruzado-Guerrero 

Excursions: Visits to Old San Juan, El Yunque Rainforest, Tres Cabezas, and Piñones

Did you know Puerto Rico’s mascot is a tree frog found only in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rican Coqui mascot
Puerto Rican Coqui, Photo Courtesy of

To see the program click here!

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