Over the course of the semester, we will be collecting student stories about their experience with the pandemic and how that harmed their plans to study abroad. Our first story is from our student intern, John Daniel Mabilangan. Below John shares his story:
“I was looking forward to studying abroad earlier this year. Being an International Studies Major
and a student of the Honors College, I was hoping to kill to birds with one stone by doing a study
abroad program to complete the requirements of both programs simultaneously. I had intended to
go to Akita International University which was more of a country-side area of Japan for Japanese
language immersion. I clearly remember my heart palpitating with excitement as I submitted all
the requirements for my study abroad. I remember studying Japanese every single day after class
schedule, meticulously balancing my study abroad expenses, and texting my friends in Japan of all the plans I had and all the things I wanted to do in Japan with them.
My program was not going to start until April, so from January through April was open space for me to relax and eagerly wait for my trip. I had audited French and Chinese courses to productively pass the time and studied Japanese afterwards to prepare for my trip. Around the beginning of the semester, some international students from Japan had come to Towson to study abroad in the USA and I was given the opportunity to introduce myself and show them around campus. In meeting them, I was able to put my Japanese to use while helping them get adjusted
to campus life. Thanks to them, I was able to create and host a weekly Japanese Language Table program where they were able to meet Towson University students for language exchange. I had the most fun with the Japanese exchange students. We went out for food, watched movies, and we even got to go a trip to Philadelphia together. January to March, I was completely enjoying
myself with the classes I was auditing and the new friends I have made.

When the news came that study abroad programs had been cancelled, I was completely devastated. All the preparations and plans suddenly became meaningless and all the thrill I had saved up these past few months had instantaneously dissipated. When the news came out, my
new Japanese friends, my friends from Towson, and all my professors had contacted me immediately expressing their concern and support regarding the cancelation. Though I was disappointed by the turn of events, all the support and encouraging words I received from those around me helped me coped with the change of plans. Around that time, I was, however,distressed. How was I going to get refunded from all the expenses I already made? What is going to happen to my Spring 2020 semester? How was I going to complete the requirements? All of these questions came crashing down on me and I was now scurrying to figure out my next
My problems seemed overwhelming, but fortunately they were not impossible to solve. As soon
as the cancellation news broke out, the Study Abroad and Honors College had reached out to me
on getting my refunds back and procedures on completing graduation requirements for the
Honors Program. In addition, I was fortunate enough to had been auditing because my
professors, who I have audited classes for, were more than willing to let me attend their class as a
full-time student so that my Spring 2020 semester would count and I would be able to graduate
on time. The cancellations notice had come out during the last week of February and by the first
week of March I was already enrolled full-time.
Though as a senior I would not be able to study abroad before I graduate, one thought that kept me positive is all the support I was able to get from my peers and the university community
They were really great help in helping me get through the Spring 2020 semester. Though classes
had ultimately switched to online format, I had a pretty good semester overall. Though I can’t
study abroad now, there is always opportunities to go abroad next time.”
We are sure other students have similar experiences of their study abroad plans being cancelled due to the pandemic. Our office would love to hear their stories as well. If you are interested in sharing your experience, please email it to peeradvisor@towson.edu. We can’t wait to hear from you! #TUProud #TUtogether