Czech it Out! Why You Should Study in Prague

We are thrilled to announce our new TU Exchange Program in the Czech Republic!


What is an exchange program, you ask?

At Towson University, an exchange program is a study abroad program at one of our partner universities abroad. They send us students and we send them students. These programs are offered in the spring and fall semesters, as well as for the academic year. Because of this exchange relationship, you pay the same tuition and fees as you would for a semester or year at Towson! We currently offer exchange programs in Australia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, and the United Kingdom.

Prague Lennon Wall

Why study abroad in Prague?

Here are the top 5 reasons, as told by GoAbroad:

  1. Prague is very affordable.
  2. Prague has the best beer in the world, and possibly the cheapest.
  3. Prague is in the heart of Europe.
  4. You will fall in love with Prague.
  5. Prague’s public transportation system is simply the best.


Still not convinced?

TU Alumna Annina Hazel studied abroad on the faculty-led program “Geography in the Heart of Europe” in Prague during the summer of 2015.

Not only did she enjoy her program, she highlighted her top 3 things that any student studying abroad in the Czech Republic must do!

  1. Participate in a home-stay (if possible)
  2. Don’t skip out on cultural trips to museums, concerts, and galleries
  3. Enjoy Czech night life!

If we’ve peaked your interest, you can check out the program page on Horizons by clicking HERE, or you can stop by the office for more information!

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