Towson Student Wins TEAN Scholarship

We are thrilled to announce that Towson’s very own Jarrett Booz has been awarded a $2,500 scholarship from The Education Abroad Network for his studies next fall at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. The scholarship is part of TEAN’s 20 for 20 initiative, in which they are awarding 20 scholarships to celebrate their 20 years of sending students into the world!senior pic

Jarrett is currently a freshman studying computer science and is a member of the Honors College. In winning the scholarship, he demonstrated academic excellence, campus involvement, leadership ability, and a keen awareness of the value of an international education. He also wrote a one-page essay in response to the question, “You are packing for study abroad semester and you need to bring 3 items that best represent you. What are those items and why did you select them?” – a deceptively simple question. It’s hard enough picking just three things to take, let alone the three that best represent you!

When we talked to Jarrett about his upcoming experience, he said, “I chose the RMIT program based on a recommendation from a study abroad advisor at Towson. I knew I wanted to at least visit Melbourne while in Australia but she said that Melbourne is so great that you can’t just visit, so I followed her advice and chose a Melbourne school that had a good reputation in computer science. I am looking forward to going out and seeing as much of Australia as possible, including the Great Barrier Reef for the pre-semester excursion, and any other wildlife that I can visit. I also look forward to touring the cities of Sydney and Melbourne. This scholarship will help by taking a substantial financial burden off my family and allow me to explore the country as much as possible with a little less attention to the cost of tourism.  This scholarship means a lot to me and my family and I greatly appreciate it.”

Congratulations again, Jarrett! We look forward to seeing the pictures from your adventure in the land down under!

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