Chile: Valparaíso Street Art

Chile 4
Street art in the city of Valparaíso

I couldn’t have chosen a better place to study abroad! Valparaíso, Chile is an amazing city with friendly people and great food (especially if you like seafood!) In 2003, UNESO added Valparaíso to its list of World Heritage Sites for both its cultural and historical significance. I was a little nervous about navigating my way around the city at first but once you figure the bus system out (los micros) you can get anywhere you need to go. One of my favorite things about Valpo would definitely be the street art. There are so many talented artists which is clearly evident from all the beautiful murals and paintings that decorate the city.

Chile 1
Boats in the port of Valparaíso


Chile 3
Street art by the famous Chilean artist, Inti
Chile 2
Large shipping barge in the port

Sara Spangler

Valparaíso, Chile

Minimester 2013

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