
Published Book

  • The Call up to the Majors: A Proximity-Based Approach to the Economics of Minor League Baseball. Springer Publishers. New York, NY, 2015. Link to publisher’s website

Published Papers

  • “Sports team performance and revenue of out-of-stadium vending operations” Applied Economics Letters, 29(1) (January 2022), 8-11 (with Yongchen Zhao). Link
  • “Skill and earnings amongst golfers on the Southern-African Sunshine Tour” South African Journal of Economics, 89(2) (June 2021), 274-281 (with Ferdi Botha and Gavin Fraser). Link
  • “Reputation and the League Standing Effect: The Case of a Split Season in Minor League Baseball” Applied Economics, 50(41) (September 2018), 4447-4455 (with Nola Agha). Link
  • “Stadium Construction and Minor League Baseball Attendance” Contemporary Economic Policy 32(1) (January 2014), 144-154 (with Seth Gitter). Link
  • “Does the Availability of Parental Health Insurance Affect the College Enrollment Decision of Young Americans?” Economics of Education Review 32(1) (February 2013), 49-65 (with Juergen Jung and Diane Hall). Link
  • “Top Prospects and Minor League Baseball Attendance,” Journal of Sports Economics 12(3) (June 2011), 341-351 (with Seth Gitter). Link
  • “Determinants of Minor League Baseball Attendance” Journal of Sports Economics 11(6) (December 2010), 614-628 (with Seth Gitter). Link
  • “Promotion Mechanisms on the PGA TOUR” Southern Economic Journal 77(1) (July 2010), 126-137. Link
  • “Labor Supply on the PGA TOUR: The Effect of Higher Expected Earnings and Stricter Exemption Status on Annual Entry Decisions” Journal of Sports Economics 8(1) (February 2007), 83-98. Link
  • “Why do cities use supply side strategies to mitigate traffic congestion externalities?” Economics Letters 92(2) (August 2006), 214-219 (with Jason F. Shogren). Link
  • “Regulation through Collaboration: Final Authority and Information Symmetry in Environmental Coasean Bargaining”, Journal of Regulatory Economics 24(1) (July 2003), 63-89 (with Jason F. Shogren). Link
  • “Coasean Bargaining in Collaborative Environmental Policy,” in A. Heyes, ed. The Law and Economics of the Environment, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 18-43, 2001 (with Jason F. Shogren).
  • “Educational Contributions, Academic Quality, and Athletic Success,” Contemporary Economic Policy 18(2) (April 2000), 248-258 (with Shelby Gerking). Link
  • “On Coasean Bargaining with Transaction Costs,” Applied Economics Letters 6 (December 1999), 779-783 (with Jason F. Shogren). Link
  • “Current Issues in Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization: How is the Clinton Administration Handling Hazardous Waste?” Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum, VIII (Spring 1998), 245-271 (with Jason F. Shogren). Link

Working Papers and Research in Progress

  • “The economics in Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac: Discovering more of the dismal science with reading quizzes”
  • “Costs, benefits, and environmental action: Why marginal analysis matters”
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