Helpful Articles and Resources

Fear of Public Speaking by Hildy Gottlieb

The fear of public speaking is more common than one might think. Gottlieb shares her public speaking fears and how she overcame them. Check out her experiences with public speaking to find helpful tips on how to overcome your own speech anxiety!

10 Tips For Improving Your Public Speaking Skills by Marjorie North

From Harvard University’s Extension School, Marjorie North, a professional public speaking and executive communication skills consultant, gives 10 quick tips on how to start improving on your speech thought, organization, and delivery. She gives advice ranging from topics like speech anxiety to the importance of personality in a speech. Running short on time and need a quick rundown of how to enhance your speech? Check out this article!!

PechaKucha 20X20

Having trouble starting your Pecha Kucha speech? Not sure how to organize your slides? Need an example before starting your speech? Check out the Pecha Kucha website and scroll down to see the “Presentation of the Day” or browse their website for helpful tips. Make an appointment at the PCC to get more directed help on your Pecha Kucha.

7 Memorable Ways to Open a Speech or Presentation

Learn 7 AWESOME ways to start your speech. Avoid using the dreaded, “hi, my name is…” introduction and really hone in on the attention grabber of your speech with one of these tactics. Make sure to always cite your attention grabber if it isn’t your work!

How to End Your Speech with an Impact

Are you trying to figure out how to end your speech? Learn 3 ways that you can end your speech with an impact.

Want help with a specific topic? Leave a comment below or email us at with an article topic you think would be helpful to you or others.

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