The winning team of the fall 2019 live strategy case competition poses with executives from presenting company Howard Bank

Digital strategies for local bank proposed during capstone competition

More than 300 senior-level students competed in the capstone Live Strategy Case Competition presented by Howard Bank this fall.

Students in each section of the Strategic Management course were divided into teams and tasked with tackling a business challenge provided by Howard Bank. The case asked the teams to explore creating a new digital branch experience for the local bank’s customers. Teams had to conduct internal and external analyses and prepare a report and presentation. Continue reading “Digital strategies for local bank proposed during capstone competition”

College of business and economics student tori prestianni stands in the hallway of Stephens Hall

New Women in Business student organization empowers emerging female leaders

As a marketing major, when Victoria (Tori) Prestianni sat in her business classes, she noticed that there were fewer women than men—and the women did not interact with each other much.

As the President of the University Residence Government, Prestianni had been able to connect with people and grow meaningful friendships. However, what she felt was missing from that experience was the academic connection. She wanted to bridge the academic social networking gap and create a space for women with similar academic interests to come together, share experiences, and network. So, solution-driven Prestianni founded the Women in Business club in Fall 2018. The club started with 10 members and has more than doubled to approximately 20 to 30 active members. Continue reading “New Women in Business student organization empowers emerging female leaders”

stephens hall at dusk

2018-2019 College of Business and Economics Supporters

We are deeply grateful to our donors for investing in Towson University’s College of Business and Economics. We recognize the following alumni, friends, students, faculty, staff, corporations, foundations and other organizations that supported the college through the Towson University Foundation with annual gifts from July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019.

Continue reading “2018-2019 College of Business and Economics Supporters”