Your Stress Relief Toolkit for Study Abroad & Away

Studying abroad or away is an exhilarating adventure filled with new experiences, cultural immersion, and personal growth. However, with the excitement also comes the potential for stress as you navigate unfamiliar surroundings and adjust to a different way of life. This stress relief toolkit will help you navigate the ups and downs of a new… Read more Your Stress Relief Toolkit for Study Abroad & Away

Navigating Mental Health Triggers During Study Abroad or Away

Studying abroad or away from your home university is a thrilling adventure filled with unique experiences and life-changing moments. However, it can also be a challenging journey, and one aspect that should not be overlooked is mental health. The unfamiliar environment, cultural differences, and distance from your support network can sometimes trigger mental health concerns.… Read more Navigating Mental Health Triggers During Study Abroad or Away

Resource Series 1: Tips for Handling Mental Illness Abroad

Thoughts from Lyndsi Jones, Peer Advisor Who out there struggles with some kind of mental health condition? Have you thought about studying abroad? Are you worried that studying abroad would be too stressful, or too hard to manage along with your illness? What many students don’t realize is that over 20% of people between the… Read more Resource Series 1: Tips for Handling Mental Illness Abroad